Below is the list of functions included for managing tempos, getting pulses, and queuing sounds / functions. Tempos use time sources so they MUST be cleaned up manually to prevent memory leaks.
takes in a number that sets the beats per minute and returns a tempo id struct. Tempos automatically begin updating once created
This will cleanup any tempo you have created
This will return true if a beat has occured or false if not
audio_tempo_queue_method(tempo_id, method)
This will set it so that a function will be automatically called on the next available down beat of the tempo
audio_tempo_queue_sound(tempo_id, sound_id, [priority=1], [loop=false], [pitch=1], [gain=1])
This will set it so that a sound will automatically be played (resumed) on the next available down beat of the tempo. It effectively functions the same as audio_play_sound and returns and audio_id.
// Create event
tempo = audio_tempo_create(120);
audio_tempo_queue_sound(tempo, snd_main_music);
// Step event
if ( audio_tempo_pulse(tempo) ) show_debug_message("A beat occured!!");