This repository offers Long-Term Support for 1.12.2 of MCProtocolLib by cherry-picking any compatible mainline fixes onto the last official 1.12.2 version.
It's only maintained every so often, so if you see a fix that applies to 1.12.2 please open an issue. Thanks!
Builds are available through the JCenter Maven repository under group id com.github.Gjum
and artifact id MCProtocolLib-1.12.2-LTS
Instead of 1.0.0
you can depend on any tag or get the latest snapshot of a branch, for example master-SNAPSHOT
You can see all available versions on the releases page
and all branches on the branches page.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Gjum:MCProtocolLib-1.12.2-LTS:1.0.0'
MCProtocolLib is licensed under the MIT license.