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Data exists everywhere: your laptop, Postgres, Snowflake and as files in S3. It exists in various formats such as Parquet, CSV and JSON. Regardless, there will always be multiple steps spanning several destinations to get the insights you need.

GlareDB is designed to query your data wherever it lives using SQL that you already know.


Install/update glaredb in the current directory:

curl | sh

It may be helpful to install the binary in a location on your PATH. For example, ~/.local/bin.

If you prefer manual installation, download, extract and run the GlareDB binary from a release in our releases page.

Getting started

After Installing, get up and running with:

Local CLI

To start a local session, run the binary:


Or, you can execute SQL and immediately return (try it out!):

# Query a CSV on Hugging Face
./glaredb --query "SELECT * FROM \

To see all options use --help:

./glaredb --help

Hybrid Execution

  1. Sign up at for a free fully-managed deployment of GlareDB

  2. Copy the connection string from GlareDB Cloud, for example:

    ./glaredb --cloud-url="glaredb://user:pass@host:port/deployment"
    # or
    > \open "glaredb://user:pass@host:port/deployment

Read our announcement on Hybrid Execution for more information.

Using GlareDB in Python

  1. Install the official GlareDB Python library

    pip install glaredb
  2. Import and use glaredb.

    import glaredb
    con = glaredb.connect()
    con.sql("select 'hello world';").show()

To use Hybrid Execution, sign up at and use the connection string for your deployment. For example:

import glaredb
con = glaredb.connect("glaredb://user:pass@host:port/deployment")
con.sql("select 'hello hybrid exec';").show()

GlareDB work with Pandas and Polars DataFrames out of the box:

import glaredb
import polars as pl

df = pl.DataFrame(
        "A": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        "fruits": ["banana", "banana", "apple", "apple", "banana"],
        "B": [5, 4, 3, 2, 1],
        "cars": ["beetle", "audi", "beetle", "beetle", "beetle"],

con = glaredb.connect()

df = con.sql("select * from df where fruits = 'banana'").to_polars();


Local server

The server subcommand can be used to launch a server process for GlareDB:

./glaredb server

To see all options for running in server mode, use --help:

./glaredb server --help

When launched as a server process, GlareDB can be reached on port 6543 using a Postgres client. The following example uses psql to connect to a locally running server:

psql "host=localhost user=glaredb dbname=glaredb port=6543"

Your first data source

A demo Postgres instance is deployed at Adding this Postgres instance as data source is as easy as running the following command:

    FROM postgres
        host = '',
        port = '5432',
        user = 'demo',
        password = 'demo',
        database = 'postgres',

Once the data source has been added, it can be queried using fully qualified table names:

FROM my_pg.public.lineitem
WHERE l_shipdate <= date '1998-12-01' - INTERVAL '90'

Check out the docs to learn about all supported data sources. Many data sources can be connected to the same GlareDB instance.

Done with this data source? Remove it with the following command:


Supported data sources

Source Read Write Table Function External Table External Database
Databases -- -- -- --
MariaDB (via mysql)
Microsoft SQL Server 🚧
Snowflake 🚧
BigQuery 🚧
Cassandra/ScyllaDB 🚧
ClickHouse 🚧
DuckDB 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧
Oracle 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧
SQLite 🚧
ADBC 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧
ODBC 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧
File Formats -- -- -- -- --
Apache Arrow ✅*
CSV ✅*
Newline Delimited JSON ✅*
Apache Parquet ✅*
Lance ✅*
Delta 🚧
Iceberg 🚧
Microsoft Excel 🚧 🚧
JSON 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧
Apache Avro 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧
Apache ORC 🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧

✅ = Supported ➖ = Not Applicable 🚧 = Not Yet Supported

* COPY TO support only

Building from source

Building GlareDB requires Rust/Cargo to be installed. Check out rustup for an easy way to install Rust on your system.

Running the following command will build a release binary:

just build --release

The compiled release binary can be found in target/release/glaredb.


Browse GlareDB documentation on our


Contributions welcome! Check out for how to get started.


See LICENSE. Unless otherwise noted, this license applies to all files in this repository.


GlareDB is proudly powered by Apache Datafusion and Apache Arrow. We are grateful for the work of the Apache Software Foundation and the community around these projects.