A web crawler written in golang.
Set initial Urls & storage config then run the crawler.
func main() {
log.SetFormatter(&log.TextFormatter{FullTimestamp: true})
initialUrls := []url.URL{}
myUrl, _ := url.Parse("https://glyphack.com")
initialUrls = append(initialUrls, *myUrl)
contentStorage, err := storage.NewFileStorage("./data")
if err != nil {
contentParsers := []parser.Parser{}
contentParsers = append(contentParsers, &JsonParser{})
crawler := crawler.NewCrawler(initialUrls, contentStorage, &crawler.Config{
MaxRedirects: 5,
RevisitDelay: time.Hour * 2,
WorkerCount: 100,
ExcludePatterns: []string{},
// Adding custom parser to the crawler
// Adding custom processor to the crawler
The following options are supported:
- maxRedirects: Number of maximum redirects to follow
- RevisitCoolDown: Number of seconds to wait before revisiting a URL
- workerCount: Number of workers that simultaneously visit URLs
You can extend the the crawler by adding new storage to it.
Each visited website will be handled by a content parser. if a parser
You can implement custom parsers for different MIME types e.g. application/pdf
Parsers are used to parse content of web pages to extract links. The following parsers exist internally:
- html
You can add custom parsers which implement the Parser interface:
type JsonParser struct {
func (p *JsonParser) IsSupportedExtension(extension string) bool {
for _, supportedMimeTypes := range []string{"application/json"} {
if extension == supportedMimeTypes {
return true
return true
func (p *JsonParser) Parse(content string) ([]parser.Token, error) {
jsonData := map[string]interface{}{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(content), &jsonData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tokens := []parser.Token{}
for key, value := range jsonData {
if valueString, ok := value.(string); ok {
tokens = append(tokens, parser.Token{
Name: key,
Value: valueString,
return tokens, nil
after crawl finishes the application calls registered processors.
Processors can do anything with the result of a webpage, for example saving content is handled by an internal processor.
Note: processors are ran in a separate goroutine. So sharing a memory can cause data races.
type LoggerProcessor struct {
func (l *LoggerProcessor) Process(result crawler.CrawlResult) error {
log.Print("Processing result")
return nil