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MiniPython compiler

Compiler for a subset of Python made with Java.

Run make to build the compiler.

Compile a minipython file to assembly with


Compile the C code with

make libc

You can then compile and link with the C code, and then execute the generated assembly code using an assembler.

make compile

The followings are shortcuts for compiling our assembly code and lib with debug symbols or with optimizations:

make release
make debug

Project Structure

├── .vscode   # VSCode configuration
├── lib       # Library dependencies
├── src       # Main application folder
│   ├── libc_extended    # C helper functions
│   │
│   └── mini_python      # Main package
│       │
│       ├── libc           # Extended libc utilities
│       │
│       ├── registers      # Register utilities
│       │
│       ├── syntax         # Syntax classes definitions
│       │
│       ├── typing         # Typing utilities
│       │
│       ├──      # Main class (CLI program)
│       │
│       ├──   # Compilation entrypoint: TFile -> X86_64
│       ├──  # Compiler logic: implements TVisitor
│       ├──    # X86_64 symbols utilities
│       │
│       ├──    # Type checking entrypoint: File -> TFile
│       ├──     # Type Checking logic: implements Visitor
│       │
│       ├──   # Java Lexer
│       ├──       # Lexer Symbol definitions
│       ├── Lexer.flex     # JFlex Lexer configuration
│       ├──     # Autogenerated Java Lexer
│       │
│       ├──  # Java Parser
│       ├── Parser.cup     # Parser configuration
│       └──    # Autogenerated Java Parser
├── tests     # test configuration
│   │
│   ├── exec       # Supposed to execute successfully
│   ├── exec-fail  # Supposed to fail at runtime
│   │
│   ├── syntax     # Syntax tests
│   │   ├── bad      # Supposed to fail
│   │   └── good     # Supposed to succeed
│   │
│   └── typing     # Type Checking tests
│       ├── bad      # Supposed to fail
│       └── good     # Supposed to succeed
├── minipython  # Compiler bash entrypoint
└── test.bash   # Shell script to run the tests


Tests can be run using the test.bash file. They are organized in various categories, inside the tests/:

syntax/bad/    lexing or parsing must fail
typing/bad/    type checking must fail
typing/good/   type checking must pass
exec-fail/     compiles successfully but fails at runtime
exec/          compiles successfully, executes successfully,
               and output conforms to file .out

Tests are cumulative, i.e.,

  • files in typing/bad/, exec-fail/, and exec/ can be used for the category syntax/good/

  • files in exec-fail/ and exec/ can be used for the category typing/good/

Testing the compiler

Test the compiler with the test.bash script:

./test.bash -1 "java -cp lib/java-cup-11a-runtime.jar:bin mini_python.Main"  # Parsing
./test.bash -2 "java -cp lib/java-cup-11a-runtime.jar:bin mini_python.Main"  # Type Checking
./test.bash -3 "java -cp lib/java-cup-11a-runtime.jar:bin mini_python.Main"  # Code Generation

For the type checking tests, your compiler is called with command line option --type-only and the filename, and the exit code is used to figure out the behavior of your compiler.

The script does the following:

  • call the compiler on a test file
  • compile the generated assembly code with gcc
  • run the executable

Rebuild the Lexer

make lexer

Rebuild the Parser

make parser

Rust-Like error messages

Our compiler implementation provides rust-like error messages for some basic cases. Invalid python codes can be found in the examples/ directory.

Run the compiler on these scripts and observe the error messages ! (Note: the compiler cannot handle errors on expressions or calls that span for more than one line).

./minipython examples/
./minipython examples/
./minipython examples/
./minipython examples/
./minipython examples/
./minipython examples/
./minipython examples/


A compiler for a subset of Python, made in Java







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