Goéland is a concurrent automated theorem prover using the tableau method for first order logic.
It supports TPTP FOF and TFF files.
Goéland is licensed under the CeCILL 2.1 License. See LICENSE.
Goéland needs Go (version >= 1.22, download directly from the site) and goyacc (sudo apt-get install golang-golang-x-tools
) to compile.
Proceed as follows to build Goéland from source (assuming that you currently are in the root folder of the repository):
$ cd src
$ make
This should produce an executable in the _build
You can now run Goéland:
$ ./_build/goeland -h
Usage of ./_build/goeland:
This is still a preliminary version of the implementation. Goéland must be called from the command line. To solve a problem.p
problem, just give this problem as an argument:
$ ./_build/goeland problem.p
The parameters must be passed before the problem file. The available parameters are as follows:
Parameter flag | Effect |
-ari | Enables the use of (TPTP) arithmetic functions (default: false). |
-assisted | Enables the step-by-step mode debugger (default: false). |
-completeness | Enables completeness mode (default: false). |
-core_limit int | Sets the limit in number of cores (default: all) (default: -1). |
-cpuprofile file | Writes the cpu profile to file. |
-memprofile file | Writes the memory profile to file. |
-debug | Enables printing debug information in the terminal (default: false). |
-dmt | Enables deduction modulo theory (default: false). |
-dmt_before_eq | Enables dmt before equality (default: false). |
-exchanges | Enables the node exchanges to be written in a file (default: false). |
-inner | Enables on-the-fly inner Skolemisation during the proof-search (default: false). |
-preinner | Activates preinner Skolemisation, a Skolemisation strategy even more optimized than -inner (default: false). |
-l int | Sets the limit in destructive mode (default: -1). |
-log file | Changes the file output for loggers. Won't work without the option -wlogs (default: logs). |
-nd | Enables the non-destructive version (default: false). |
-noeq | Disables equality (default: false). |
-ocoq | Enables the Coq format for proofs instead of text (default: false). |
-olp | Enables the Lambdapi format for proofs instead of text (default: false). |
-otptp | Enables the TPTP format for proofs instead of text (default: false). |
-context | Should only be used with the -ocoq or the -olp parameters. Enables the context for a standalone execution (default: false). |
-pretty | Should only be used with the -proof parameter. Enables UTF-8 characters in prints for a pretty proof (default: false). |
-proof | Enables the display of a proof of the problem (in custom format) (default: false). |
-proof_file | Should only be used with the proof output parameters, only works with the -wlogs parameter. Enables the writing of the proof in a specific file. The extension of the file will depend on the type of proof (default: problem_proof). |
-one_step | Enables only one step of search (default: false). |
-show_trace | Enables the location of the loggers call to be shown in the logs (default: false). |
-type_proof | Enables type proof visualisation (default: false). |
-completeness | Enables completeness mode (default: false). |
-wlogs | Enables the writing of the logs in files (default: false). |
-chrono | Should only be used with the -ocoq or the -olp parameters. Enables the chronometer for deskolemization and proof translation (default: false). |
-incr | Enables the Incremental search algorithm (default: false). |
-sateq | Enables the equality unification using a SAT reduction. Will override the use of -noeq (default: false). |
-eagereq | Run equality reasoning every time a new (in)equality is added to the branch (default: false). |
-increq | Run equality reasoning incrementally (default: false). |
-vec | Cannot be used with the -l and the -completeness parameters. Enables the very-eager-closure (default: false). |
-no_id | Disables the id in the ToString (default: false). |
-quoted_pred | Print predicates between quotes if they start by a capital letter (TPTP compliance) (default: false). |
-quiet | Remove Goeland output in terminal (default: false). |
Since the tableau method only proves theorems, Goéland returns Valid
when a proof is found, otherwise it loops to infinity, trying to increase the reintroduction limit (unless the reintroduction limit is fixed).
To run tests, you can use the benchmarking tool available at this repository.