An automation to make Minecraft resourcepacks of minute-level-accurate clock.
Only tested on Python 3.11+
Library needed: Pillow
To install, run pip install pillow
in the terminal.
Before running the script:
- Put the pack.mcmeta file in inputs/[your_pack_name]/.
- Put the texture file of clock face in inputs/[your_pack_name]/ and rename it to bg.png.
- Put the texture files of hour in inputs/[your_pack_name]/h/ and rename them to 0.png to 23.png (corresponding to 00:MM to 23:MM).
- If making a digital clock:
- Put the texture files of tens-digit of minute in inputs/[your_pack_name]/m1/ and rename them to 0.png to 5.png (corresponding to HH:0M to HH:5M).
- Put the texture files of ones-digit of minute in inputs/[your_pack_name]/m2/ and rename them to 0.png to 9.png (corresponding to HH:M0 to HH:M9).
- If making an analog clock:
- In the pack.mcmeta, add following code structure in the root
"acc_config": { "mode": "a", "is_hour_higher": true }
- Put the texture files of the minute hand in inputs/[your_pack_name]/m/ and rename them to the minute they represents respectively. (e.g. a minute hand pointing to HH:05 should be named as 05.png or 5.png)
- In the pack.mcmeta, add following code structure in the root
Then, change the directory of the terminal to the root of this project (the same directory of file and run
python .\
Wait until the program completes, the generated files can be found in outputs/
The configuration code "acc_config": {...}
will not appear in the generated pack.mcmeta.
"pack": {
"pack_format": "[pack format]",
"description": "[your description]"
"acc_config": {
"mode": "d",
"is_hour_higher": false,
"pack_icon_time": [9, 30]
: Digital (default)"a"
: Analog
: hour layer is lower than minute layer (default)true
: hour layer is higher than minute layer
"pack_icon_time": [HH, MM]
- Use the texture of HHMM as pack.png (default is [9, 30])
There are several templates of inputs in inputs_templates/. Copy one of the folder under inputs_templates/ to inputs/ and run the script to get a usable resourcepack as references.
- Support of making analog clock.
- Support of making OptiFine emissive textures.
- Support of making PBR textures.