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GreenWizard2015 authored Oct 11, 2024
2 parents 1a3c4cd + 039902b commit 550633b
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Showing 10 changed files with 531 additions and 44 deletions.
28 changes: 23 additions & 5 deletions Core/
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from Core.CDataSampler import CDataSampler
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from enum import Enum

class ESampling(Enum):
AS_IS = 'as_is'
UNIFORM = 'uniform'

class CDatasetLoader:
def __init__(self, folder, samplerArgs, stats):
def __init__(self, folder, samplerArgs, sampling, stats):
# recursively find all 'train.npz' files
trainFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, '**', 'train.npz'), recursive=True)
if 0 == len(trainFiles):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,10 +45,23 @@ def __init__(self, folder, samplerArgs, stats):
dtype = np.uint8 if len(self._datasets) < 256 else np.uint32
# create an array of dataset indices to sample from
self._indices = np.concatenate([
np.full((v, ), k, dtype=dtype) # id of the dataset
for k, v in validSamples.items()
sampling = ESampling(sampling)
if ESampling.AS_IS == sampling: # just concatenate the indices
self._indices = np.concatenate([
np.full((v, ), k, dtype=dtype) # id of the dataset
for k, v in validSamples.items()
if ESampling.UNIFORM == sampling:
maxSize = max(validSamples.values())
chunks = []
for k, size in validSamples.items():
# all datasets should have the same number of samples represented in the indices
# so that the sampling is uniform
chunk = np.full((maxSize, ), k, dtype=dtype)
self._indices = np.concatenate(chunks)

self._currentId = 0

self._batchSize = samplerArgs.get('batch_size', 16)
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@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
import os
import numpy as np
import NN.networks as networks
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
import NN.Utils as NNU
import time
from tensorflow.keras import layers as L

# TODO: Implement the standard diffusion process (with the prediction of the noise, proper sampling, etc)
class CModelDiffusion:
Wrapper for the diffusion model to predict the gaze point
Diffusion T is equal to the stddev of the gaussian noise
def __init__(self, timesteps, model='simple', user=None, stats=None, use_encoders=False, **kwargs):
if user is None:
user = {
'userId': 0,
'placeId': 0,
'screenId': 0,
user = {
'userId': stats['userId'].index(user['userId']),
'placeId': stats['placeId'].index(user['placeId']),
'screenId': stats['screenId'].index(user['screenId']),
self._user = user

self._modelID = model
self._timesteps = timesteps
embeddings = {
'userId': len(stats['userId']),
'placeId': len(stats['placeId']),
'screenId': len(stats['screenId']),
'size': 64,
self._modelRaw = networks.Face2LatentModel(
steps=timesteps, latentSize=64, embeddings=embeddings,
self._model = self._modelRaw['main']
self._embeddings = {
'userId': L.Embedding(len(stats['userId']), embeddings['size']),
'placeId': L.Embedding(len(stats['placeId']), embeddings['size']),
'screenId': L.Embedding(len(stats['screenId']), embeddings['size']),
self._intermediateEncoders = {}
if use_encoders:
shapes = self._modelRaw['intermediate shapes']
for name, shape in shapes.items():
enc = networks.IntermediatePredictor(name='%s-encoder' % name)
self._intermediateEncoders[name] = enc

self._maxDiffusionT = 100.0
if 'weights' in kwargs:
# add signatures to help tensorflow optimize the graph
specification = self._modelRaw['inputs specification']
self._trainStep = tf.function(
{ 'clean': specification, 'augmented': specification, },
( tf.TensorSpec(shape=(None, None, None, 2), dtype=tf.float32), )
self._eval = tf.function(
( tf.TensorSpec(shape=(None, None, None, 2), dtype=tf.float32), )


def _step2mean(self, step):
step = tf.cast(step, tf.float32) / self._maxDiffusionT
step = tf.cast(step, tf.float32) + 1e-6
# step = tf.pow(step, 2.0) # make it decrease faster
return tf.clip_by_value(step, 1e-3, 1.0)

def _replaceByEmbeddings(self, data):
data = dict(**data) # copy
for name, emb in self._embeddings.items():
data[name] = emb(data[name][..., 0])
return data

def _makeGaussian(self, mean, stddev):
stddev = tf.concat([stddev, stddev], axis=-1)
return tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag(mean, stddev)

def _infer(self, data, training=False):
print('Instantiate _infer')
data = self._replaceByEmbeddings(data)
shp = tf.shape(data['userId'])
B, N = shp[0], self.timesteps
result = tf.zeros((B, N, 2), dtype=tf.float32)
for step in tf.range(self._maxDiffusionT, -1, -5):
mean = self._step2mean(
tf.fill((B, N, 1), step)
stepData = dict(**data)
stepData['diffusionT'] = mean
stepData['diffusionPoints'] = tf.random.normal((B, N, 2), mean=result, stddev=mean)
result = self._model(stepData, training=training)['result']
return result

def predict(self, data, **kwargs):
B = self._timesteps
userId = kwargs.get('userId', self._user['userId'])
placeId = kwargs.get('placeId', self._user['placeId'])
screenId = kwargs.get('screenId', self._user['screenId'])
# put them as (1, B, ?)
data['userId'] = np.full((1, B, 1), userId, dtype=np.int32)
data['placeId'] = np.full((1, B, 1), placeId, dtype=np.int32)
data['screenId'] = np.full((1, B, 1), screenId, dtype=np.int32)

data = self._replaceByEmbeddings(data) # replace embeddings

result = self._infer(data)
return result.numpy()

def __call__(self, data, startPos=None):
predictions = self.predict(data)
return {
'coords': predictions[0, -1, :],

def compile(self):
self._optimizer = NNU.createOptimizer()

def _modelFilename(self, folder, postfix=''):
postfix = '-' + postfix if postfix else ''
return os.path.join(folder, '%s-%s%s.h5' % (self._modelID, 'model', postfix))

def save(self, folder=None, postfix=''):
path = self._modelFilename(folder, postfix)
embeddings = {}
for nm in self._embeddings.keys():
weights = self._embeddings[nm].get_weights()[0]
embeddings[nm] = weights
np.savez_compressed(path.replace('.h5', '-embeddings.npz'), **embeddings)
# save intermediate encoders
if self._intermediateEncoders:
encoders = {}
for nm, encoder in self._intermediateEncoders.items():
# save each variable separately
for ww in encoder.trainable_variables:
encoders['%s-%s' % (nm,] = ww.numpy()
np.savez_compressed(path.replace('.h5', '-intermediate-encoders.npz'), **encoders)

def load(self, folder=None, postfix='', embeddings=False):
path = self._modelFilename(folder, postfix) if not os.path.isfile(folder) else folder
if embeddings:
embeddings = np.load(path.replace('.h5', '-embeddings.npz'))
for nm, emb in self._embeddings.items():
w = embeddings[nm]
if not emb.built:, w.shape[0]))
emb.set_weights([w]) # replace embeddings

if self._intermediateEncoders:
encodersName = path.replace('.h5', '-intermediate-encoders.npz')
if os.path.isfile(encodersName):
encoders = np.load(encodersName)
for nm, encoder in self._intermediateEncoders.items():
for ww in encoder.trainable_variables:
w = encoders['%s-%s' % (nm,]

def lock(self, isLocked):
self._model.trainable = not isLocked

def timesteps(self):
return self._timesteps

def trainable_variables(self):
parts = list(self._embeddings.values()) + [self._model] + list(self._intermediateEncoders.values())
return sum([p.trainable_variables for p in parts], [])

def _pointLoss(self, ytrue, ypred):
# pseudo huber loss
delta = 0.01
tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(ytrue), tf.shape(ypred))
diff = tf.square(ytrue - ypred)
loss = tf.sqrt(diff + delta ** 2) - delta
tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(loss), tf.shape(ytrue))
return tf.reduce_mean(loss, axis=-1)

def _trainStep(self, Data):
print('Instantiate _trainStep')
x, (y, ) = Data
y = y[..., 0, :]
losses = {}
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
data = x['augmented']
data = self._replaceByEmbeddings(data)
# add sampled T
B = tf.shape(y)[0]
N = self.timesteps
maxT = 100
diffusionT = tf.random.uniform((B, 1), minval=0, maxval=maxT, dtype=tf.int32)
# (B, 1) -> (B, N, 1)
diffusionT = tf.tile(diffusionT, (1, N))[..., None]
diffusionT = self._step2mean(diffusionT)
tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(diffusionT), (B, N, 1))

# store the diffusion parameters
data['diffusionT'] = diffusionT
# sample the points
data['diffusionPoints'] = tf.random.normal((B, N, 2), mean=y, stddev=diffusionT)
predictions = self._model(data, training=True)
# intermediate = predictions['intermediate']
# assert len(intermediate) == 0, 'Intermediate predictions are not supported'

predictedMean = predictions['result']
gaussian = self._makeGaussian(predictedMean, diffusionT)
losses['log_prob'] = tf.reduce_mean(
losses['points'] = self._pointLoss(y, predictedMean)
loss = sum(losses.values())
losses['loss'] = loss

self._optimizer.minimize(loss, tape.watched_variables(), tape=tape)
return losses

def fit(self, data):
t = time.time()
losses = self._trainStep(data)
losses = {k: v.numpy() for k, v in losses.items()}
return {'time': int((time.time() - t) * 1000), 'losses': losses}

def _eval(self, xy):
print('Instantiate _eval')
x, (y,) = xy
y = y[:, :, 0]
B, N = tf.shape(y)[0], tf.shape(y)[1]

predictions = self._infer(x)

mean = self._step2mean(tf.fill((B, N, 1), 0))
gaussian = self._makeGaussian(predictions, mean)
loss = tf.nn.sigmoid( -gaussian.log_prob(y) )
points = predictions
_, dist = NNU.normVec(y - predictions)
return loss, points, dist

def eval(self, data):
loss, sampled, dist = self._eval(data)
return loss.numpy(), sampled.numpy(), dist.numpy()
50 changes: 38 additions & 12 deletions Core/
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Expand Up @@ -40,26 +40,52 @@ def _pointLoss(self, ytrue, ypred):
tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(loss), tf.shape(ytrue))
return tf.reduce_mean(loss, axis=-1)

def _trainStep(self, Data):
print('Instantiate _trainStep')
x, (y, ) = Data
y = y[..., 0, :]
losses = {}
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
data = x['augmented']
def _trainOn(self, data, y_list):
def calculate_loss(predictions):
# select the smallest loss from the list of suggested points
losses = []
for y in y_list:
loss = self._pointLoss(y, predictions)[..., None]
losses = tf.concat(losses, axis=-1)
shp = tf.shape(y_list[0])
tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(losses), tf.concat([shp[:-1], [len(y_list)]], axis=0))
losses = tf.reduce_min(losses, axis=-1)
tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(losses), shp[:-1])
return tf.reduce_mean(losses)

data = self._replaceByEmbeddings(data)
predictions = self._model(data, training=True)
intermediate = predictions['intermediate']
losses['final'] = tf.reduce_mean(self._pointLoss(y, predictions['result']))
finalPredictions = predictions['result']
losses = {}
losses['final'] = calculate_loss(finalPredictions)
for name, encoder in self._intermediateEncoders.items():
latent = intermediate[name]
pts = encoder(latent, training=True)
loss = self._pointLoss(y, pts)
loss = calculate_loss(pts)
losses['loss-%s' % name] = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
loss = sum(losses.values())
losses['loss'] = loss
return losses, tf.stop_gradient(finalPredictions)

def _trainStep(self, Data):
print('Instantiate _trainStep')
x, (y, ) = Data
y = y[..., 0, :]
losses = {}
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
lossesClean, y_clean = self._trainOn(x['clean'], [y])
# ensure that the augmentations are not affect predictions
lossesAugmented, _ = self._trainOn(x['augmented'], [y, y_clean])
assert lossesClean.keys() == lossesAugmented.keys(), 'Losses keys mismatch'
# combine losses
losses = {k: lossesClean[k] + lossesAugmented[k] for k in lossesClean.keys()}
# calculate total loss and final loss
losses['total-clean'] = sum(lossesClean.values())
losses['total-augmented'] = sum(lossesAugmented.values())
losses['loss'] = loss = sum([losses['total-clean'], losses['total-augmented']])

self._optimizer.minimize(loss, tape.watched_variables(), tape=tape)
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