- Joinville - Brazil
(UTC -03:00) - https://grohden.notion.site/Gabriel-Rohden-Notion-143631209f1f809aac33ea5726bc87e7?pvs=4
- @grohden
babel-plugin-inline-react-svg Public
Forked from airbnb/babel-plugin-inline-react-svgA babel plugin that optimizes and inlines SVGs for your React Components.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2024 -
A plugin that resolves barrel files imports within babel
msw-cli-issue Public
MSW requires a repro repo, even thought sometimes its not needed
JavaScript UpdatedMar 20, 2024 -
My implementation of flutter some components API
MyFirstReacNative Public
My first react and react native app
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 23, 2023 -
A simple react native cli plugin to help you with version bumps
ts-phaser-bomb-game Public
Bomberman clone using websockets and phaser 3
ionicSwiper Public
A angular wrapper for swiper focused on ionic v1 as a 'swipe' lib (not slide)
eslint-plugin-dprint Public
Forked from mysticatea/eslint-plugin-dprintAn ESLint plugin that fixes code with dprint
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 26, 2022 -
cuchile Public
Forked from VGasparini/cuchileA daily Cuchi word puzzle
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 4, 2022 -
free-from-jsx.macro Public
Babel macro that allows you to use a flutter like render syntax
A clone of babel-transform-imports plugin with my own changes to support import aliases
openapi-ts-generator Public
OpenAPI codegen for TS
openapi-generator Public
Forked from OpenAPITools/openapi-generatorOpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 19, 2021 -
repo-tagger-fp Public
Same as repo-tagger, but intended to be a rewrite with only functional languages
Elm UpdatedMar 12, 2021 -
nice-animals-flutter Public
The nice animals application written in flutter
use-ref-callback-explained Public
Explanation of the so called useRefCallback to avoid re-renders
JavaScript UpdatedNov 6, 2020 -
cli Public
Forked from react-native-community/cliReact Native command line tools
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 24, 2020 -
gql Public
Forked from gql-dart/gqlLibraries supporting GraphQL in Dart
Dart MIT License UpdatedOct 22, 2020 -
nice-animals Public
Simple android app that shows nice animals pictures
repo-tagger Public
A tagger application for starred github repos written in flutter and kotlin