In which it takes the chest X-ray and take lung opacity as feature vector
My work includes self laid neural network which was repeatedly tuned for one of the best hyperparameters and used variety of utility function of keras like callbacks for learning rate reduction and checkpointing. Other metrics like precision , recall and f1 score using confusion matrix were taken off special care. The other part included a brief introduction of transfer learning via Xception
1. On GPU
Requirement for loading model
1. CUDA capable GPU
2. CUDA 10.0 Tool kit ( ubuntu 18.04)
3. cudnn7 library (need account on nvidia developer )
4. Anaconda3
5. Tensorflow-gpu
6. Pydicom(For reading DICOM files)
7. sklearn(for labeling )
8. matplotlib
2. On CPU
Requirement for loading model:
1. Anaconda3
2. Tensorflow=1.11.0
3. Pydicom
4. sklearn
5. matplotlib