Functionalities: - Optical modules signal per lane fully SNMP. - Network interfaces and BGP Peers/Neighbors/Sessions monitoring by SNMP Trap. - Resources (CPU/Memory/Temperature). - PPPoE access-user count summary, and separated by Single-Tagged and Double-Tagged subinterfaces.
Pay attention at discovery FILTERS os all templates.
If you need any files that's not included here, please be in touch by [email protected], and I'll help you in my time.
Using traps via SNMPTT and SNMPTRAPDEAMON.
Configuration on BGP routers for the traps:
- snmp-agent trap enable
- undo snmp-agent trap enable feature-name bgp trap-name bgpBackwardTransNotification
- undo snmp-agent trap enable feature-name bgp trap-name bgpEstablishedNotification
In some Huawei switch models, you'll need to put the following configuration in order to the graphs works properly, and without any degradation:
- "set if-mib sample-interval 0"
In order to collect user-vlan descriptions using the BNG Template, you'll have to manually configure descriptions in your router subinterfaces by following these steps:
Single-tagged vlans (not QinQ): interface Eth-Trunk0.0 user vlan 0 vlan 0 description "Put the description here without quotes"
Double-tagged vlans (QinQ): interface Eth-Trunk0.1 user vlan 0 qinq 1 vlan 0 qinq 1 description "Put the description here without quotes"
Zabbix Version 4.0.17