BWU Datagrid is a Dart port from SlickGrid
Find examples in the wiki.
**UPDATE: August 27th, 2014
- Basic rendering
- Scrolling and manual column resize
- Editing, Custom Editors, Custom Validators
- The examples work also when built to JavaScript
- Full keyboard navigation
- Column resize/reorder/show/hide
- Column autosizing & force-fit
- Pluggable cell formatters & editors
- Support for editing and creating new rows.
- Advanced detached & multi-field editors with undo/redo support.
- Background post-rendering for richer cells
(This description is copied from SlickGrid. The Dart port is not there yet)
- Adaptive virtual scrolling (handle hundreds of thousands of rows with extreme responsiveness)
- Extremely fast rendering speed
Supports jQuery UI Themes(not sure yet)- Configurable & customizable
- Grouping, filtering, custom aggregators, and more!
- “GlobalEditorLock” to manage concurrent edits in cases where multiple Views on a page can edit the same data.
- Support for millions of rows