Sandu is a discord music playing bot I've made because Groovy was ceased and desisted
It has commands like: play,play now,skip,remove,jump and queue.
- Create an application on the discord developer portal
- Create a bot and give him administrator privillages
- Select Bot and applications.commands in the Oauth2 menu as the scopes
- Invite the bot to your discord server
- Get the bot's token from the Discord Developer Portal
- Get the bot's client id by right clicking him and copying its id
- Get the server's id by right clicking it and copying its id
- Get an Youtube API token from their website
- Create a config.json file in the /src folder
- Add the data you've gathered as follows:
"token": "bot_token"
"clientId": "Client ID"
"guildId": "Guild ID"
"YToken": "Youtube API token"
- Type: node depploy-commands.js once
- Type: node index.js
- To run with docker instead of directly just build the image with docker build and run it with docker run