This repository is the Pytorch implementation of Hindsight Experience Replay
Install dependencies with Docker. You can also install dependencies using requirements.txt.
To build Docker image, run this command.
# format: docker build -t . <image_name>
docker build -t . her
After building image, use the following command to run the Docker container.
docker run -ti --gpus '"device='<gpu number>'"' -v <your working directory>:/app --ipc=host --name <container_name> <image_name> /bin/bash
# or you can run this command after changing file in proper format
./ <gpu num> <container_name>
If you want to train the agent with HER algorithm in BitFlip environment, run this command inside the Docker container.
python --config config_bitflip.yaml
You can freely change the hyperparameter if you needed. I tested n_bits in [10, 25, 45] with same hyperparameters except n_bits / max_episode_steps / hidden_units. The paper mentioned that nbits < 50 can be trained.
You can test with the pretrained networks. All pretrained networks for 10bits/25bits/45bits can be downloaded in this link
To see the bitflip simulation result with the network, run
# before run this command, you should put the path to checkpoint in config file.
python --config config_bitflip.yaml
The bitflip simulation results with 10 bits.
The bitflip simulation results with 25 bits.
The bitflip simulation results with 45 bits.
The training logs of DDQN + HER with 10bits.
The training logs of DDQN + HER with 25bits.
The training logs of DDQN + HER with 45bits.
The training logs of vanilla DDQN with 10bits.