A Transformer-based Machine Learning Framework using Conditional Random Fields as Decoder for Clinical Text Mining
Place-holder for our project/poster presentation in HealTAC2022 conference and follow-up work: code and models sharing
Conference program: https://healtac2022.github.io/programmes/
Our poster and presentation are shared in the files under this repository
alternatively this link also fine folder-address.
News: New Pre-Print with Amazing New Results, Accepted to Big Data Analytics for Health and Medicine (BDA4HM 2023) at IEEE BigData 2023! saved models hosted here - link
"Exploring the Value of Pre-trained Language Models for Clinical Named Entity Recognition" 2023 ArXiv pre-print https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2210.12770 Link. BDA4HM2023-link IEEE-BigData-proceedings
New models included |
From this repository: new version - fine-tuned PLMs and LLMs |
- BERT-Apt
- BioBERT-Apt
- ClinicalBERT-Apt
- ClinicalBERT-CRF
Learning from Scratch:
- TransformerApt
- Transformer-CRF
notebook ipynb files uploaded including model selection, training, and testing
we will combine NER+RE and generate a representation table on this. stay tuned, or why not get in touch with us!
| older version TransformerCRF (to be fixed :)|
Experimental Trials from Pilot Study using n2c2-2018 challenge set in data-constrained fine-tuning/learning |
- learning from scratch using 303 EHR letters from n2c2-2018
- Adaptation layer on top of Bioformer testing its performance on n2c2-2018 test set of 200 EHR letters
BioformerApt, ClinicalBERT-CRF, BioformerCRF
- Continuous learning useing data constrained setting of 303 EHR letters
| other posters related to this project | On clinical Text Mining: another project/poster presentation from HealTAC2022 is also uploaded on this github page 'Diagnosis Certainty and Progression: A Natural Language Processing Approach to Enable Characterisation of the Evolution of Diagnoses in Clinical Notes' poster
Citation Assistant |
@misc{belkadi2023exploring, title={Exploring the Value of Pre-trained Language Models for Clinical Named Entity Recognition}, author={Samuel Belkadi and Lifeng Han and Yuping Wu and Goran Nenadic}, year={2023}, eprint={2210.12770}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }
Samuel Belkadi, Lifeng Han, Yuping Wu, and Goran Nenadic. 2023. "Exploring the Value of Pre-trained Language Models for Clinical Named Entity Recognition". Forth-coming. BDA4HM2023 at IEEE Big Data 2023. Sorrento, Italy, December 15-18. arXiv:2210.12770 [cs.CL] https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2210.12770
Lifeng Han, Valerio Antonini, Ghada Alfattni, Alfredo Madrid, Warren Del-Pinto, Judith Andrew, William G. Dixon, Meghna Jani, Ana María Aldana, Robyn Hamilton, Karim Webb, Goran Nenadic. 2022. A Transformer-based Machine Learning Framework using Conditional Random Fields as Decoder for Clinical Text Mining. Posters in HealTAC 2022: the 5th Healthcare Text Analytics Conference. June 15-16th. Virtual and Local Hubs in UK.
Alfredo Madrid, Caitlin Bullin, Lifeng Han, Judith Andrew, Warren Del-Pinto, Ghada Alfattni, Oswaldo S. Pabón, Ernestina M. Ruiz, Luis Rodríguez, Ana María Aldana, Robyn Hamilton, Karim Webb, Meghna Jani, Goran Nenadic, William G. Dixon. 2022. Diagnosis Certainty and Progression: A Natural Language Processing Approach to Enable Characterisation of the Evolution of Diagnoses in Clinical Notes. Posters in HealTAC 2022: the 5th Healthcare Text Analytics Conference. June 15-16th. Virtual and Local Hubs in UK.
Acknowledgement |
- We thank Viktor Schlegel for helping on debugging and Hao Li for discussion during the development stage. We thank Alfredo Madrid Garcia on the co-work regarding clinical annotation and computational model guidlines. We are grateful to Manchester Open Research Fund (OR) for supporting this on-going open source project.
Contact, welcome to reach out |
- [email protected] (Firstname: Lifeng; Lastname: Han)|(Firstname: Yuping; Lastname: Wu)
- [email protected] (Firstname: Samuel; Lastname: Belkadi)
Read More about Our Work |
Samuel Belkadi |
Yuping Wu |
Lifeng Han, PhD |
Goran Nenadic, Prof |