Tags: HERA-Team/aipy
Toggle v3.0.6's commit message
Merge pull request #70 from HERA-Team/numpy2
fix: replace np.Inf with np.inf
Toggle v3.0.5's commit message
Merge pull request #66 from HERA-Team/try-to-fix-publish
Try to fix publish
Toggle v3.0.4's commit message
Merge pull request #65 from HERA-Team/try-to-fix-publish
ci: see if the version is correct...
Toggle v3.0.3's commit message
Merge pull request #64 from HERA-Team/fix-ci-wf
ci: fix stupid typo in publish workflow
Toggle v3.0.2's commit message
Merge pull request #62 from HERA-Team/auto-pypi
maint: add setuptools_scm support and auto-pypi uploads
Toggle v3.0.1's commit message
Toggle v3.0.0rc2's commit message
Toggle v3.0.0rc1's commit message
VERSION: setuptools wants "rc1", not "pre1"
Toggle v2.1.12's commit message
Merge pull request #35 from HERA-Team/more_window_funcs
added tukey and barthann windows to dsp.py
Toggle v2.1.11's commit message
Merge pull request #33 from pkgw/fix-macos
Fix macOS
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