This repository contains the Python code (including other related files/folders) for the generation of the features used in the following 11 selected high priority
research papers.
Empirical asset pricing via machine learning (2020) |
S Gu, B Kelly, D XiuSummary: The paper performs a comparative analysis of machine learning methods for measuring asset risk premiums, including linear regression, generalized linear models with penalization, dimension reduction via principal components regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS), regression trees, and neural networks. Input features include 94 stock-level predictive characteristics from Green et al. (2017), as well as 8 macro variables from Goyal & Welch (2008).
A Comprehensive Look at the Empirical Performance of Equity Premium Prediction (2008) |
I Welch, A GoyalSummary: The paper reexamines the performance of several variables suggested by academic literature to be good predictors of the equity premium, and finds that these models have predicted poorly both in-sample and out-of-sample (OOS) and appear unstable. Input features consist of 17 variables, including stock index characteristics and broad macroeconomic indicators.
Dissecting Characteristics Nonparametrically (2020) |
J Freyberger, A NeuhierlSummary: The paper proposes a nonparametric method to study which characteristics provide incremental information for the cross-section of expected returns. The adaptive group LASSO is used to select characteristics and to estimate how selected characteristics affect expected returns nonparametrically. 62 firm-specific characteristics are used as inputs, which are grouped into 6 categories: past return based predictors, investment-related characteristics, profitability-related characteristics, intangibles, value-related characteristics, and trading frictions.
Shrinking the cross-section (2020) |
S Kozak, S Nagel, S SantoshSummary: The paper constructs a robust stochastic discount factor (SDF) summarizing the joint explanatory power of a large number of cross-sectional stock return predictors. Two sets of independent characteristics are constructed, namely 50 anomaly characteristics and 70 WRDS Industry Financial Ratios (WFR).
FRED MD A Monthly Database for Macroeconomic Research (2016) |
MW McCracken, S NgSummary: Unlike other papers, this paper does not perform empirical stock return analysis. Instead, the paper introduces FRED-MD, a large, monthly frequency, macroeconomic database with the goal of establishing a convenient starting point for empirical analysis that requires “big data.” The publicly available dataset, comprising 134 macroeconomic variables, is designed to be updated monthly using the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) database.
Forecasting the Equity Risk Premium - The Role of Technical Indicators (2014) |
CJ Neely, DE Rapach, J Tu, G ZhouSummary: The paper compares the predictive ability of technical indicators with that of macroeconomic variables. Technical indicators were found to display statistically and economically significant in-sample and out-of-sample predictive power, matching or exceeding that of macroeconomic variables. Furthermore, technical indicators and macroeconomic variables provide complementary information over the business cycle, and combining information from both technical indicators and macroeconomic variables significantly improves equity risk premium forecasts. Input variables used include 14 macroeconomic variables from Goyal and Welch (2008), as well as 14 technical indicators.
Deep Learning in Asset Pricing (2019) |
L Chen, M Pelger, J ZhuSummary: The paper estimates a general non-linear asset pricing model with deep neural networks for all U.S. equity data based on a substantial set of macroeconomic and firm-specific information. 46 time-varying firm-specific characteristics and 178 macroeconomic time series are used as input variables. The firm-specific variables are either from the Kenneth French Data Library and from Freyberger, Neuhierl, and Weber (2020), while macroeconomic times series are from 3 sources - 124 predictors from the FRED-MD database, the cross-sectional median time series for each of the 46 firm characteristics, and a further 8 macroeconomic predictors from Welch and Goyal (2008) not already included in the FRED-MD database.
The Characteristics that Provide Independent Information about Average U.S. Monthly Stock Returns (2017) |
J Green, JRM Hand, XF ZhangSummary: The paper identifies the firm characteristics that provide independent information about average U.S. monthly stock returns by simultaneously including 94 characteristics in Fama-MacBeth regressions that avoid overweighting microcaps and adjust for data-snooping bias. 94 firm-specific variables from CRSP, Compustat and I/B/E/S are used as input variables.
Forecasting daily stock market return using dimensionality reduction (2017) |
X Zhong, D EnkeSummary: The paper presents a data mining process to forecast the daily direction of the S&P 500 Index ETF (SPY) return based on 60 financial and economic features. Three mature dimensionality reduction techniques, including principal component analysis (PCA), fuzzy robust principal component analysis (FRPCA), and kernel-based principal component analysis (KPCA) are applied to the whole data set to simplify and rearrange the original data structure. The 60 input features can be divided into 10 groups: the SPY return for the current day and three previous days, the relative difference in percentage of the SPY return, exponential moving averages of the SPY return, Treasury bill rates, certificate of deposit rates, financial and economic indicators, the term and default spreads, exchange rates between the USD and four other currencies, the return of seven world major indices (other than the S&P 500), SPY trading volume, and the return of eight large capitalization companies within the S&P 500.
The empirical risk return relation A factor analysis approach (2007) |
SC Ludvigson, S NgSummary: The paper uses dynamic factor analysis for large datasets of macroeconomic and financial information via principal component analysis, whereby a large amount of economic information can be summarized by a few estimated factors. 2 sets of quarterly datasets are used: one comprising 209 series of macroeconomic indicators, and one comprising 172 series of financial indicators.
CNNpred CNN-based stock market prediction using a diverse set of variables (2019) |
E Hoseinzade, S HaratizadehSummary: The paper introduces a CNN-based framework that can be applied on a collection of data from a variety of sources, including different markets, in order to extract features for predicting the future of those markets. The suggested framework is applied for predicting the next day’s direction of movement for the indices of S&P 500, NASDAQ, DJI, NYSE, and RUSSELL based on various sets of initial variables. 82 variables are used as inputs, consisting of technical indicators, big U.S. companies, commodities, the exchange rate of currencies, future contracts, world’s stock indices, and other variables.
- env.yml (virtual environment settings)
- requirements.txt (necessary packages)
- src (, config.json, stock_pool_list.txt,,
- reference_papers (pdf of all the 11 papers including supplementary online appendix)
- test (unittest)
- result (separate folders for stock pools, features_documentation.txt which contains defintion of all features)
Step 1 : Set up virtual environment
- create virtual environment
with all necessary dependencies- command:
conda env create -f env.yml
- command:
- activate 'mas_env'
- command:
conda activate mas_env
- command:
- check location of 'mas_env'
- command:
conda env list
- command:
- create virtual environment
Step 2 : Inspect config.json
- wrds_username: check this webiste( to create your own username and passward if needed
- wrds_password: need to type in password if the first time accessing wrds
- start_date: follow the format of %year-%month-%day
- end_date: follow the format of %year-%month-%day. end_date should be after start_date
- stock_pool: check src/stock_pool_list.txt for all available stock pools
- fred_api_key: check this website( to generate your own API key if needed
- selected_feature_columns: based on the selected stock pool, check the corresponding consolidated_feature_names.txt in src folder
Step 3 : Generate all features
- command:
- wait and check result folders for the correspoing stok_pool results
- paper1 - 11: each paper has its own output csv file
- consolidate: combined csv files of all 11 papers
- selected_features: csv file with selected feature columns
- command:
Step 4 : Select your own features
- command:
- data, permno, ticker are default columns that users do not need to select again
- check result/correspoing stok_pool_selected_features
- command:
Step 5 : Exit virtual environment
- command:
conda deactivate
- command:
All the python code in this repository will follow the best practices as stated in the following guide/documentation in terms of formatting, code layout and styling -
PEP 8 documentation
- Original reference paper (with supplementary appendix, if applicable) can be accessed from the reference_papers folder