Politecnico di Torino
- Turin, Italy
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/habibollah-naeimi/
An SVM-based Fault Detector with a sliding window for rising stability on output. Electrical Engineering final B.Sc. project, Petroleum University of Technology.
Simulink implementation of "A Decentralized Cooperative Control Scheme With Obstacle Avoidance for a Team of Mobile Robots". This project has been done at the request of Zobdeh Modiran Rahneshan So…
Orifice plate sizing convergence algorithm implementing with GUI - Instrumentations Lab - Petroleum University of Technology
Fuzzy systems control course project - Petroleum University of Technology
Fuzzy systems control course project - Petroleum University of Technology
Fuzzy systems control course project - Petroleum University of Technology
System identification using clustering algorithm for nonlinear control - Fuzzy systems control course project - Petroleum University of Technology