Feel free to open an issue in the issue tracker, or use this link to access an IRC chat room for real time communication with some of the edX developers. Alternatively, you can use your own IRC chat client and point it at freenode(chat.freenode.net). The channel is #edxml.
This is an API wrapper for a service to grade arbitrary free text responses. This is licensed under the AGPL, please see LICENSE.txt for details. The goal here is to provide a high-performance, scalable solution that can effectively help students learn. Feedback is a major part of this process, the feedback system has been left very flexible on purpose (you will see this later on).
Note that you will need the machine-learning repository to use all of the functionality here. This repo is now open source. You will need to install both repos in the same directory. Install directions for machine learning can be found at Github
Please see docs/installation for installation information. Examples can be found in docs/examples. A built version of these can be found at ReadtheDocs, or you can feel free to clone the repo and build these yourself.
Contributions are very welcome. The easiest way is to fork this repo, and then make a pull request from your fork.
The current backlog is in the issues section. Please feel free to open new issues or work on existing ones.
Please look in the docs folder for more detailed documentation. There is a README there that explains how to build and view the docs.
You can also see the latest documentation at ReadtheDocs .