Disclaimer: 90% of this code was created by Dylan C (DylanNZ), Jared H (MonoNZ) and Richard H (Dalordish). I'm only responsible for the updated point rules and the streaming overlay.
Make sure you have the latest node.js installed. This application requires at least Node 7.6.0 to run.
. When prompted, enter a password. Remember this password, as you'll need it to run any matches.Alternatively navigate to the folder where the sccript's located, then
npm install
You will need to create 2 javascript files:
. There are templates of both to show you what they should look like.
Unless you want to change your password, you only need to complete the above steps once.
IMPORTANT: You need to restart the script BEFORE EVERY MATCH, regardless of how the match ended or if the script terminated with an error. Failing to do so may result in subsequent matches being scored incorrectly and other undesirable effects.
. Alternatively, run the following from the command line:node bin/www
If the script started up successfully, you should see a message like this in opened terminal window:
Starting server... Connect to website @ localhost:3010
In the browser of your choice, navigate to http://localhost:3010/admin.
Fill out each of the fields, then enter your password in the
field and press track. You will be taken to http://localhost:3010/, which is the address of the match overlay.Admin Field Use Default Team 1 Tag Left team's outfit tag none Team 2 Tag Right teams' outfit tag none Round Length (seconds) Length of each round, in seconds 900 (15 minutes) Event Title Text to display above the center scoreboard PS2 IvI Scrims Password The password you chose during installation none
This will end the current round by setting the timer to 0 seconds. You can start a new round of the same match using the Second Round form without any unexpected issues. If you want to restart the round/match or reset scores, however, you need to restart the script.
After a previous round has ended - or if you stopped the round using Stop Match - use this form to start the next round of the same match. Despite the sections name, you can start more rounds than just the second. As the parenthetical says, though, make sure to only use this after the current round has ended (the timer is at zero).
In your streaming scene, add a new BrowserSource source and set to URL to
. -
Set the
to the full width of your monitor, and clear out theCSS
box. I don't really know what impactFPS
has on the overlay, but you should be fine leaving it at 30. -
Check the
Refresh browser when scene becomes active
box at the bottom of the Properties window. -
to save the source, then make sure it's visible and positioned above your Planetside 2 source.The Properties for your BrowserSource should look something like this
Created by FCLM - DylanNZ, Mononz, Dalordish
Overlay support added by Chirtle (aka ChirtleLovesDolls)