You can disable the icons that appear when switching the Desktops by changing the line: "switchAnimationOn":true, from true to false.
You can now change the size of the Activation Areas. by changing the line "activationAreaWidth": 2, to the number of pixels you want to be used as the activation areas.
In Order to make this easier, change the line "showActivationAreas": true, from true to false, This will make the activation areas visible.
Also you can change the icons that appear when switching Desktops. Place the icons you want to use in the local directory for the extension. Usually ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions/desktop-scroller@ccadeptic23 or /usr/share/cinnamon/extensions/desktop-scroller@ccadeptic23 These should be properly formatted images. Then change the entries in the metadata.json file "switchPrevIcon": "my-go-prev.svg", "switchNextIcon": "my-go-next.svg" To the filenames for the icons that you want to use.
*If you scroll too fast the arrow's direction doesnt change, but once it fades the next time we are ok.
added configuration options to the metadata.json file. These allow you to: -disable the icons that appear when switching the Desktops -change the size of the "activation areas" as well as make them visible to make this easier. -change the icons that appear when switching Desktops to any that you would like to use.
Made the icon prettier when switching. It now uses the "go-next" and "go-previous" icons from the theme.
Initial drop.