this application was built using React & Laravel. It's a restaurant booking App. users are identified as Roles: guest, user, admin.
A guest is the one who can see the website and browse the available menu items.
If the guest liked a certain menu item, they should register/login to the app, so basically a logged in guest is a user.
A user can book a table whenever they want, and then have a page where they can see the status of thier bookings.
Then, there is the admin, how can accept, decline each of the users' bookings, and can also CRUD the menu items.
it is observed that the app's authorization (which is handled in the React App) is organized as follows:
- Guest
- Login Page
- Register Page
- User
- Book a table Page
- My bookings Page
- Profile Page
- Admin
- Modify menu Page
- Review bookings Page
- Shared
- Home Page
- About Page
- Menu Page
start cloning the project into your workspace (ideally it would be in the htdocs directory of the XAMPP installation directory)
git clone
then, go to ./front-end directory and install the dependencies:
npm i
After that, build the React App:
npm run build
Go to the back-end directory to install the dependencies:
composer install
First, generate Laravel Encription Key:
php artisan key:generate
To the run the Backend App:
php artisan serve
Finally, go back to the fron-end to run the React App:
npm run preview
Don't forget to adjust the .env file
- first, copy the .env.example
- change it to .env
- change these fields into:
FRONTEND_URL=client_app #e.g. http://localhost:5173
If you you want to seed the database:
php artisan db:seed
The update functionality on the the menu items isn't working correctly.
The App may be not that complete, some of the problems that haven't been solved yet:
- responsivity
- lagging/slow response
- not implementing Skeleton fallback for all the components
- not lazy loading all the components
- heavy focused on the frontend that the backend
- not writing tests
- not implementing toasts for interactivity
These problems would be looked for.