very-simple-calculator Public
this is very very simple calculator with pure html, css, js
chat Public
Forked from tinode/chatInstant messaging platform. Backend in Go. Clients: Swift iOS, Java Android, JS webapp, scriptable command line; chatbots
Persian-Date-Picker-Dialog Public
Forked from aliab/Persian-Date-Picker-DialogPersian Date Picker Dialog for Android
Github-Api-Utils Public
helper package for use some GitHub API's (following followers,...), calculate the difference of followers & following
RecyclerScrollViewPager Public
Forked from seifhjh/RecyclerScrollViewPagerRecycler scroll ViewPager that support auto scroll
GitLearning Public
this is a test repository for learn and practicing Git
Telegram Public
Forked from DrKLO/TelegramTelegram for Android source
SmoothBottomBar Public
Forked from ibrahimsn98/SmoothBottomBarA lightweight Android material bottom navigation bar library
Zoomy Public
Forked from imablanco/ZoomyZoomy is an easy to use pinch-to-zoom Android library
DynamicChangeThemeSample Public
Forked from krossovochkin/DynamicChangeThemeSampleSample for https://proandroiddev.com/change-theme-dynamically-with-circular-reveal-animation-on-android-8cd574f5f0d8
Bluetooth_Headset_Battery_Level Public
Forked from clst/Bluetooth_Headset_Battery_LevelA python script to print battery charge level of some bluetooth headsets
vsc-legacy-material-theme Public
Forked from balanceiskey/vsc-material-themeLegacy Material Theme for Visual Studio Code
BulkSMSSender Public
Forked from CodingInfinite/BulkSMSSenderBulk SMS Sender is a small and powerful open source android application that enables users to send generic and customized SMS messages through their carrier network to contacts that are listed in a…
SunDatePicker Public
Forked from alirezaafkar/SunDatePickerDate picker for Iranian calendar
MLKitTextRecognize Public
Forked from pranaypatel512/MLKitTextRecognizeDetect text using Firebase ML Kit Text Recognition API
ImageZoom Public
Forked from okaybroda/ImageZoomAn Android library that makes any view to be zoomable.