🔭 I’m currently studying at Institute of Engineering & Management
🌱 I’m currently learning DSA & ML
💬 Ask me about IOT & ML... or anything here
⚡ Fun fact Game of Thrones Night's Watch cloaks are made from Ikea rugs
🔭 I’m currently studying at Institute of Engineering & Management
🌱 I’m currently learning DSA & ML
💬 Ask me about IOT & ML... or anything here
⚡ Fun fact Game of Thrones Night's Watch cloaks are made from Ikea rugs
Forked from raihankhan-rk/ai-agents-starter
This repo serves as a starter pack to explore and build Autonomous AI Agents using different frameworks
Forked from DHEERAJHARODE/Hacktoberfest2024-Open-source-
Send your valuable codes here
Jupyter Notebook
Forked from Shubhanshu-1507/Sourcecode
Jupyter Notebook
Forked from pravocodes/Hacktoberfest2024
Jupyter Notebook
Forked from abhisek247767/AI-ML-DL-Hacktoberfest2024-WB
In this repository you are just write about machine learning algorithms, code(if necessary)
Jupyter Notebook