Tags: HariKrishna-Vydana/vit-pytorch
Toggle 0.33.2's commit message
fix mbconv residual block
Toggle 0.33.1's commit message
fix maxvit - need feedforwards after attention
Toggle 0.33.0's commit message
maxvit intent to build (lucidrains#211 )
complete hybrid mbconv + block / grid efficient self attention MaxViT
Toggle 0.32.2's commit message
let windowed tokens exchange information across heads a la talking he…
…ads prior to pointwise attention in sep-vit
Toggle 0.32.1's commit message
Toggle 0.32.0's commit message
intent to build (lucidrains#210 )
complete SepViT, from bytedance AI labs
Toggle 0.31.1's commit message
do not layernorm on last transformer block for scalable vit, as there…
… is already one in mlp head
Toggle 0.30.1's commit message
complete learnable memory ViT, for efficient fine-tuning and potentia…
…lly plays into continual learning
Toggle 0.30.0's commit message
correct need for post-attention dropout
Toggle 0.29.1's commit message
CCT allow for rectangular images
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