This is a WorkerPool Implementation in golang with Auto Scaling.
- One can set the max workers and min workers for auto scaling.
- If there are more jobs than workers, and less workers than max workers, new worker will be spawned to take up the job.
- If there are inactive workers and total workers is greater than min workers, inactive workers will be scaled down till min workers.
- Workers run concurrently and Isolated.
- For a incoming job, random available worker will be chosen.
1000000 | 500 ms | 2.052139768 s | 1.369614837 s |
500000 | 500 ms | 1.358096717 s | 1.160396269 s |
100000 | 500 ms | 681.6893570 ms | 1.039766089 s |
1000000 | 700 ms | 2.344755774 s | 1.758263126 s |
500000 | 700 ms | 1.635180000 s | 1.582455652 s |
100000 | 700 ms | 925.170906 ms | 1.44006322 s |
The above results are obtained with no auto scaling. The efficiency may be improved by enabling auto scaling for low amount of tasks and long running parrallel tasks.