Construction of new face expressions interpolating ten given 3D models of different expressions (blendshape base), according to Linear and Differential Interpolation. User can change in real-time the weights of the base expressions producing new face expressions.
Create a personal 3D model (using ISENSE device):
a) Choose control points (green) on personal blendshape and register them to control points (orange) of the given blendshape.
b) Compute remaining (non control) points using barycentric interpolation. Result: Personal blendshape totally registered to the given blendshape
c) Create the remaining personal belndshapes so as to be registered with the given blendshapes. (same motion of control and non control points between personal and given blendshapes
d) Construction of different personal facial expressions according to Linear and Differential Interpolation of Task 1.
Linear Cloning: wk: weights of a given facial expression , k=1,.., 10 vk: weights of a persona facial expression, k=1,..., 10
Weights for cloning a given expression to a personal expression can be computed: