cuda-training-series Public
Forked from olcf/cuda-training-seriesTraining materials associated with NVIDIA's CUDA Training Series (www.olcf.ornl.gov/cuda-training-series/)
Cuda UpdatedDec 18, 2022 -
openalpr Public
Forked from openalpr/openalprAutomatic License Plate Recognition library
C++ GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 8, 2022 -
ekf_slam Public
Repository for EKF SLAM in Python with fixed landmarks and known data associations
Python UpdatedApr 17, 2021 -
hw1 Public
Forked from visual-learning/hw1-Spring22Homework 1
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 29, 2021 -
hw2 Public
Forked from visual-learning/object-localizationHomework 2 - Weakly Supervised Object Localization
Python UpdatedMar 9, 2021 -
camTracking_GTSAM Public
Tracking only using cameras with a lidar map
ORB_SLAM3 Public
Forked from UZ-SLAMLab/ORB_SLAM3ORB-SLAM3: An Accurate Open-Source Library for Visual, Visual-Inertial and Multi-Map SLAM
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 31, 2020 -
Scotty3D Public
Forked from CMU-Graphics/Scotty3DBase code for 15-462: Computer Graphics at Carnegie Mellon University
C++ UpdatedOct 26, 2020 -
IROS20-SLAM-papers Public
Forked from gisbi-kim/IROS20-SLAM-papersA personal list-up
UpdatedOct 25, 2020 -
Atlas Public
Forked from magicleap/AtlasAtlas: End-to-End 3D Scene Reconstruction from Posed Images
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 14, 2020 -
trajectory-extractor Public
Forked from AubreyC/trajectory-extractorPython implementation of a simple vehicle trajectories extractor from traffic cameras
Python UpdatedSep 26, 2020 -
raytracing.github.io Public
Forked from RayTracing/raytracing.github.ioMain Web Site (Online Books)
HTML Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedSep 9, 2020 -
openvslam Public
Forked from xdspacelab/openvslamOpenVSLAM: A Versatile Visual SLAM Framework
C++ Other UpdatedSep 7, 2020 -
orb_slam_2_ros Public
Forked from appliedAI-Initiative/orb_slam_2_rosA ROS implementation of ORB_SLAM2
C++ Other UpdatedAug 13, 2020 -
DeblurGANv2 Public
Forked from VITA-Group/DeblurGANv2[ICCV 2019] "DeblurGAN-v2: Deblurring (Orders-of-Magnitude) Faster and Better" by Orest Kupyn, Tetiana Martyniuk, Junru Wu, Zhangyang Wang
Python Other UpdatedMar 12, 2020 -
DeblurGAN Public
Forked from KupynOrest/DeblurGANImage Deblurring using Generative Adversarial Networks
Python Other UpdatedMar 12, 2020 -
awesome_3DReconstruction_list Public
Forked from openMVG/awesome_3DReconstruction_listA curated list of papers & resources linked to 3D reconstruction from images.
1 UpdatedJan 31, 2020 -
mitsuba_clt Public
Forked from cmu-ci-lab/mitsuba_cltMitsuba renderer extensions for computational light transport.
C++ UpdatedAug 12, 2019 -
Gdbinit Public
Forked from gdbinit/GdbinitGdbinit for OS X, iOS and others - x86, x86_64 and ARM
UpdatedJul 22, 2019 -
pytorch_geometric Public
Forked from alasin/pytorch_geometricGeometric Deep Learning Extension Library for PyTorch
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 14, 2019 -
openpose Public
Forked from CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openposeOpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
C++ Other UpdatedApr 28, 2019 -
robot_localization Public
Forked from cra-ros-pkg/robot_localizationrobot_localization is a package of nonlinear state estimation nodes. The package was developed by Charles River Analytics, Inc. Please ask questions on answers.ros.org.
C++ Other UpdatedApr 26, 2019 -
DynSLAM Public
Forked from alasin/DynSLAMMaster's Thesis on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in dynamic environments. Separately reconstructs both the static environment and the dynamic objects from it, such as cars.
Jupyter Notebook BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 14, 2019