A tiny task manager within nvim that helps you stay on track by keeping a stack of tasks and always showing which task is at the top and how many more you have.
It works by storing the tasks in a plain text file
this plugin was originally a fork of nocksock/do.nvim
add a task to the end of the list:Do!
add a task to the front of list:Done
remove the first task from the list:DoEdit
edit the tasklist in a floating window:DoToggle
toggle the display
-- minimal installation
-- winbar won't load correctly if lazy loaded
config = true,
-- example configuration
config = function()
require("doing").setup {
message_timeout = 2000,
doing_prefix = "Doing: ",
-- doesn"t display on buffers that match filetype/filename/filepath to entries
-- can be either a string array or a function that returns a string array
-- filepath can be relative or absolute
ignored_buffers = { "NvimTree" }
-- if plugin should manage the winbar
winbar = { enabled = true, },
store = {
-- name of tasks file
file_name = ".tasks",
-- example on how to change the winbar highlight
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "WinBar", { link = "Search" })
local api = require("doing.api")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>de", api.edit,
{ desc = "[E]dit what tasks you`re [D]oing" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dn", api.done,
{ desc = "[D]o[n]e with current task" })
In case you"d rather use it with another plugin instead of the default winbar implementation, you can use the exposed views to do so.
For example with lualine:
require("lualine").setup {
winbar = {
lualine_a = { require"doing.api".status },
with heirline:
provider = function()
return " " .. require("doing.api").status() .. " "
update = { "BufEnter", "User", pattern = "TaskModified", },
This plugin exposes a custom event, for when a task is added or modified. You can use it like so:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "User" }, {
group = require("doing.state").auGroupID,
pattern = "TaskModified",
desc = "This is called when a task is added or deleted",
callback = function()
vim.notify("A task has been modified")