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The implementation of an SMTLib dialect for xDSL

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This repository is based on xdsl-smt and contains a tool for synthesizing transfer functions in dataflow analysis.

It currently contains the implementation of the synthesizer and several examples files on KnownBits domain.

The diagram below shows the overview of this project.

Project Overview


Set up LLVM

After cloning LLVM repo, cd to the new cloned repo (normally the folder name is llvm-project) and execute

mkdir build
cd build

Virtual environment

It is recommended to install the project in a virtual environment. To create a virtual environment, use the following commands:

# Create a virtual environment
python -m venv venv
# Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate


To install the project, use the following commands:

# Install the project
pip install .

Development installation

To setup an environment for hacking on xdsl-smt, use the following commands:

# Install the project in editable mode with dev dependencies
pip install -e '.[dev]'

Tool usage

If you installed this project successfully, now we can start with synthesizing a simple XOR transfer function on known bits domain.

synth-transfer ./tests/synth/knownBitsXor.mlir -llvm_build_dir /pathToYourLLVM/llvm-project/build/ -total_rounds 10  -num_programs 10

Our argument -total_rounds controls how many rounds we run and -num_programs specifies how many functions we synthesize at once in one round.

If it runs successfully, we can observe some output like:

Round	soundness%	precision%	cost
0_0	9.05%	1.65%	2.824	0.415
0_1	100.00%	0.00%	1.965	0.218
0_2	0.11%	0.08%	3.898	0.544
0_3	2.87%	0.27%	3.545	0.502
0_4	43.07%	4.35%	2.283	0.317
0_5	11.90%	5.07%	2.813	0.410
0_6	31.37%	4.11%	2.474	0.351
0_7	19.52%	2.11%	2.694	0.389
0_8	22.22%	4.21%	2.474	0.361
0_9	77.23%	2.11%	2.075	0.256
Used Time: 2.79

In the example above, we set both arguments to 10 so for the input XOR specification, we it runs 10 rounds and samples 10 function in every round.

After running out all rounds, it prints the evaluation of synthesized solution:

last_solution	100.00%	9.53%	1.965	0.218

where says the solution is 100% sound, 9.53% precise with the cost as 0.218

A tmp.cpp will be generated as the solution in C++ by combined all solutions in the solution set. Here is a possible solution function:

std::vector<APInt> solution(std::vector<APInt> autogen0,std::vector<APInt> autogen1){
	std::vector<APInt> autogen2=part_solution_0(autogen0,autogen1);
	std::vector<APInt> autogen3=part_solution_1(autogen0,autogen1);
	std::vector<APInt> autogen4=part_solution_2(autogen0,autogen1);
	std::vector<APInt> autogen5=part_solution_3(autogen0,autogen1);
	std::vector<APInt> autogen6=part_solution_4(autogen0,autogen1);
	std::vector<APInt> autogen7=meet(autogen2,autogen3);
	std::vector<APInt> autogen8=meet(autogen7,autogen4);
	std::vector<APInt> autogen9=meet(autogen8,autogen5);
	std::vector<APInt> autogen10=meet(autogen9,autogen6);
	return autogen10;

We will discuss more information about input and output file in the next section.

You can play with other input specification under tests/synth.

Extending the project with one new abstract domain

To add a new abstract domain you add a new class to AbstVal.cpp which inherits from the AbstVal base class and is templated on the bitwidth, N. Here's an example called NewDomain:

template <unsigned char N> class NewDomain : public AbstVal<NewDomain<N>, N> {
  explicit NewDomain(const std::vector<llvm::APInt> &v)
      : AbstVal<NewDomain<N>, N>(v) {}

  const std::string display() const;
  bool isConstant() const;
  const llvm::APInt getConstant() const;

  const NewDomain meet(const NewDomain &) const;
  const NewDomain join(const NewDomain &) const;
  const std::vector<unsigned int> toConcrete() const;

  // static constructors
  static NewDomain top();
  static NewDomain bottom();
  static NewDomain fromConcrete(const llvm::APInt &);
  static std::vector<NewDomain> const enumVals();

Here's a list of the methods required for every domain domain:

  • NewDomain(const std::vector<llvm::APInt> &): this constructor is for synthesiszed transfer functions to create instances of NewDomain in the evaluation engine
  • display(), isConstant(), and getConstant(): are not used by the evaluation engine (and as such are not strictly required), but they are handy for debugging
  • meet(const NewDomain &), and join(const NewDomain &): should follow their respective definitions, in the lattice of the abstract domain
  • toConcrete(): is the gamma function, which enumerates all of the concrete values represented by the abstract value as a std::vector<unsigned int>
  • top(), and bottom(): should also follow their definitions of full set and empty set
  • fromConcrete(const llvm::APInt &): takes a concrete value and constructs the abstract value holding only that concrete value
  • enumVals(): enumerates the entire lattice of abstract values as a std::vector<NewDoman>

The other last change needed to add a new domain is in Add NewDomain = auto() to the list of other domains in the enum.

class AbstractDomain(Enum):
    KnownBits = auto()
    ConstantRange = auto()

    def __str__(self) -> str:


The implementation of an SMTLib dialect for xDSL






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  • Python 59.9%
  • MLIR 39.0%
  • C++ 1.1%