Spring 2022 - Teaching Materials (Syllabus)
- Introduction to ADS
- Project 1 description
- Tutorial 1 R Notebook + Example: Repo | Knitted HTML R Notebook | Presentation + More Examples: Repo1, Repo2, Repo3, Repo4
- A tutorial on GitHub
- Recap on last week
- Overview of starter codes
- An example R notebook on presidential speeches (HTML)
- Interactive Word Cloud
- Submission and presentation for project 1
- Discussion and Q&A
- Project 1 presentations.
- Project 2 starts.
- Check Piazza for your project team and GitHub join link.
- After you join project 2, you can clone your team's GitHub repo to your local computer.
- You can find in the starter codes:
- the project description,
- an example toy shiny app.
- Spatial data visualization
- Tutorial on project 2 - Introduction to shiny app (app)
- Shiny Tutorial (zipped folder) (online link)
- Shiny Examples from previous semesters (Example 1: Online, Repo; Example 2: Online, Repo)
- A note on contribution
- Discussion and Q&A