Tasks Manager: Orchestrates running Scenarios using a task queue; Arranges the run order of scenarios (in sequence, in parallel), and handles pre/post scenario runs (resources cleanup; notifying Web client with progress, etc)
Task queue: Runs jobs sent by the Tasks Manager
Scenario: A unit that handles every steps required to achieve the intended objective:
- extracting data using scraping/received request
- starting/stopping an agent that interact with a web app
Agent: A frontend client to interact with apps that dynamically generate their content (Single page apps, etc)
Templates: Data formats (form inputs, selection menu dictionaries, etc), reverse engineered to correctly parse and transfer data to the targeted website
Run containers
docker-compose up
If you're really interested in a poc run, then you can test the system with one of the automated interactions.
1.install httpie
2.Send a pre-populated post request
http localhost:8004/announce < request.json
3.Access "https://www.menzili.tn/connexion" using the "[email protected]" as email and "tilzxivqvzjmubrgsh" password, count to 10 😉 and refresh.
4.You can use run docker-compose logs web
to get more logged info and access info about created tasks @localhost:5555
for flower dashboard
5.Free resources docker-compose down