package for authentication user in client-side by using cookies and vuex. as we know we just load page once in SPA because of that i write a small package for authentications user there.
when user refresh page we call function checkToken which will send a request get to server in a specific url. which must impelement in back-end side and must return current authenticate user in json fromat with an access token.
i will take this token and put it inside axios headers to make a whole requests to be auth.
npm install @hazemha/vue-auth-laravel
use checkToken in main compoent
url: it's endpoint in server-side which will handle the requests.
1- checkToken
public function checkMyLogin()
if (\Auth::guard('api')->check()) {
return response()->json(['auth' => true, 'user' => \Auth::guard('api')->user()], 200);
return response()->json(['auth' => false], 200);
2- login
public function Login(Request $request)
$credentials = $request->only('email', 'password');
if (\Auth::attempt($credentials)) {
\Auth::user()->access_token = \Auth::user()->createToken('Token Name')->accessToken;
$result = \Auth::user()->save();
return response()->json(['user' => \Auth::user(), 'auth' => $result], 200);
return response()->json(['message' => 'please check form your credentials'], 401);
3- logout
public function Logout()
\Auth::user()->access_token = null;
$result = \Auth::user()->save();
return response()->json(['message' => $result], 200);
1- checkToken
return the response from the server to you and check if the user login before to avoid login again
2- login
data = url and post data
for example data ={url:'api\login',user:'username',password:'123123'}
return the response from the server to you
3- logout
return the response from the server to you
4- isAuth
return is current user is login before or not and is Auth