Hearthy is a decoder for the network protocol used by Hearthstone. This project is still in early stages of development. Only the game protocol has been implemented so far.
System requirements:
- Python, version 3.4 or higher
- Protocol Buffers compiler (protoc)
- Git
Python requirements:
The easiest way to install the Python requirements is to use virtualenvwrapper:
mkvirtualenv -r requirements.txt -p `which python3` hearthy
To return to this virtualenv later, run:
workon hearthy
The card database and the protocol definitions are kept in separate repositories, which are included into Hearthy via a Git submodules. To fetch or update this external data, run the bootstrap script:
You can re-run the bootstrap script to update the submodules and regenerate the protocol buffer code.
Some basic UI tools for exploring protocol dumps are provided.
The ui tools work on capture files generated by helper/hcapture.c
. You can invoke the ui using the hearthy.ui.tkmain
python3 -m hearthy.ui.tkmain <capturefile>
This also works on live captures if you use a pipe, i.e.:
tail -c+0 -f <capturefile> | python3 -m hearthy.ui.tkmain /dev/stdin
The following packets are currently supported: Note: S->C means the server sends it to the client
Packet Name | Dir | Description |
PowerHistory | S>C | State changes |
UserUI | Bi | UI actions |
TurnTimer | S>C | Seconds left in turn |
GetGameState | C>S | Game state query |
StartGameState | S>C | Game/Player info |
FinishGameState | S>C | Sent after StatGameState |
GameSetup | S>C | Game Board and Rules |
GameCancelled | S>C | Game has been cancelled |
EntityChoice | S>C | Used during mulligan |
ChooseEntities | C>S | Response to EntityChoice |
AllOptions | S>S | List of possible client actions |
ChooseOption | C>S | Response to AllOptions |
BeginPlaying | S>C | Playing mode |
AuroraHandshake | C>S | Identification |
GameStarting | S>C | Sent after login |
PreLoad | ??? | ??? |
PreCast | ??? | ??? |
Notification | ??? | ??? |
NAckOption | ??? | ??? |
GiveUp | ??? | Concede? |
DebugMessage | ??? | ??? |
ClientPacket | ??? | ??? |
For detailed contents of the packets see protocol.mtypes
The usual usage of this package is to use the protocol.utils.Splitter
class to split a network stream into packets followed by protocol.decoder.decode_packet
to decode the packets.
from hearthy.protocol.utils import Splitter
from hearthy.protocol.decoder import decode_packet
from hearthy.protocol import mtypes
s = Splitter()
while True:
buf = network_stream.read(BUFSIZE)
for message_type, buf in s.feed(buf):
decoded = decode_packet(message_type, buf)
# do something with the decoded packet
# test which packet it is using
# e.g. isinstance(decoded, mtypes.AuroraHandShake)
A tool to automatically record tcp streams has been included in helper/hcapture.c
. It uses libnids
which uses libpcap
to capture network traffic and performs tcp defragmentation and reassembly. The tool looks for tcp connections on port 1119
and saves them to a file. Only linux is currently supported - patches are welcome.
To compile:
gcc hcapture.c -Wall -lnids -o capture
./capture -i mynetworkiface outfile.hcapng
Python code to decode the capture file is provided in datasource/hcapng.py
Reads a hcapture capture file and splits the network streams into packets.
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from hearthy.datasource import hcapng
from hearthy import exceptions
class Connection:
def __init__(self):
self._s = [Splitter(), Splitter()]
def feed(self, who, buf):
for atype, buf in self._s[who].feed(buf):
# decode and handle packet
d = {}
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
gen = hcapng.parse(f)
header = next(gen)
print('Recording started at {0}'.format(
datetime.fromtimestamp(header.ts).strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')))
for ts, event in gen:
if isinstance(event, hcapng.EvClose):
if event.stream_id in d:
del d[event.stream_id]
elif isinstance(event, hcapng.EvData):
if event.stream_id in d:
d[event.stream_id].feed(event.who, event.data)
except exceptions.BufferFullException:
# Usually means that the tcp stream wasn't a game session.
del d[event.stream_id]
elif isinstance(event, hcapng.EvNewConnection):
d[event.stream_id] = Connection()