OpenAI's API allows developers to access the power of their AI models, including DALL-E, through a simple RESTful interface. To create a DALL-E clone using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js), you would first need to obtain an API key from OpenAI. Once you have the key, you can use Node.js to make calls to the API and retrieve the generated image or text. You can then store this data in a MongoDB database and use React to display the generated content on the front-end of your application. Express.js can be used to handle the routing and communication between the front-end and the back-end of your application. With this setup, you would be able to create a functional DALL-E clone that can generate images and text based on the user's input. View app here:
I created a Dall-E clone using the MERN stack, Tailwind CSS, and the OpenAI API.
Original Terllo board :
Unsolved problems: I need to finish the delete route to delete data from the database.
Future palns: Get delete function working and allow for users to have their own collection folders.
Git clone
rm -rf .git to delete my metadata from the git.
Inside the directory do, Npm i --legacy-peer-deps to install the versions inside the code.