Video, Image and GIF upscale/enlarge(Super-Resolution) and Video frame interpolation. Achieved with Waifu2x, Real-ESRGAN, Real-CUGAN, RTX Video Super Resolution VSR, SRMD, RealSR, Anime4K, RIFE, IF…
open source computer aided manufacturing algorithms library
C++ Syntax, Data Structures, and Algorithms Cheat Sheet
An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
Streamlit — A faster way to build and share data apps.
Reproducing images with geometric primitives.
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
🌟 Wiki of OI / ICPC for everyone. (某大型游戏线上攻略,内含炫酷算术魔法)
Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox for Super-resolution, Denoise, Deblurring, etc. Currently, it includes EDSR, RCAN, SRResNet, SRGAN, ESRGAN, EDVR, BasicVSR, SwinIR, ECBSR, etc. Also …
超级速查表 - 编程语言、框架和开发工具的速查表,单个文件包含一切你需要知道的东西 ⚡
基于Vue + Echarts 构建的数据可视化平台,酷炫大屏展示模板和组件库,持续更新各行各业实用模板和炫酷小组件。
Make images look as if they are made out of 1x1 LEGO blocks
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Data competition Top Solution 数据竞赛top解决方案开源整理
TensorFlow binaries supporting AVX, FMA, SSE
3D LEGO models and mosaics from images using R and #tidyverse
open-source feature selection repository in python
the data and ipython notebook of my attempt to solve the kaggle titanic problem
💬 Unofficial WeChat client built with React, MobX and Electron.