Digital Research Academy
- Munich, Germany
- https://heidiseibold.com/
- @[email protected]
Podcast Hosting & Publishing | The spark ✨ that lights the fire 🔥
RMarkdown template for theses written at HU Berlin WiWi
Regionale und Lokale Gruppen unter dem Dach von de-RSE
R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis
Code accompanying Precision oncology for acute myeloid leukemia using a knowledge bank approach
Main handbook content divided into chapters.
Scientific code needs to be open source and peer reviewed
A collection of resources and ideas for running workshops/seminar about Open Science
Latex sources and final PDF versions of all articles published on OpenML.
RStudio addin to create skeleton documentation for functions and data.frames
The simex Package -- This pakage for R implements the simex procedure developed by Cook & Stefanski for dealing with measurement error models, as well as the mcsimex for misclassified data develope…