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Improve implementation of player scheduling
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Use a pure `Musicbox` type corresponding to an infinite list of measures.

Write down why notes that end only after a full measure are problematic.
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HeinrichApfelmus committed Jul 25, 2019
1 parent 4ca8144 commit 3fa070a
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 47 deletions.
112 changes: 65 additions & 47 deletions src/Cnoidal/Player.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,51 +57,51 @@ closeMidi = terminate
-- | A 'Player' repeats a piece of music, which can be changed on the fly.
data Player = Player
{ pChannel :: Int
, pNotes :: IORef (IO [(Time, Time, Pitch)])
, pNotes :: IORef (Musicbox Pitch)

-- | A collection of musical notes, grouped by measures.
-- Each element of the outer list is one measure.
-- The starting and ending times of each interval are relative to this measure.
type Musicbox a = [[(Interval, a)]]

fromMediaCycle :: Media a -> Musicbox a
fromMediaCycle media = mycycle $ map (measure . fromIntegral) [0..len-1]
mycycle xs = if null xs then [] else cycle xs
measure t = [ ((subtract t t1, (subtract t) `fmap` s2), a)
| ((t1,s2),a) <- toIntervals media, t <= t1, t1 < t+1]
len = forwardToInteger $ maybe 1 id (duration media)

forwardToInteger :: Time -> Integer
forwardToInteger x = if r == 0 then q else q + 1
where (q,r) = numerator x `divMod` denominator x

-- | Retrieve current measure to be played.
getMeasure :: Player -> IO [(Interval, Pitch)]
getMeasure = fmap (\xs -> if null xs then [] else head xs) . readIORef . pNotes

-- | Advance the measure to be played and retrieve the current one.
nextMeasure :: Player -> IO ()
nextMeasure p = do
music <- readIORef (pNotes p)
case music of
[] -> return ()
x:xs -> writeIORef (pNotes p) xs

-- | Create a new player that participates in the ensemble.
-- The input argument denotes the MIDI channel on which the player outputs notes.
newPlayer :: Channel -> IO Player
newPlayer channel = do
notes <- newIORef (return [])
notes <- newIORef []
return $ Player { pChannel = channel, pNotes = notes }

-- | Set the pattern for a player to play.
play :: Player -> Media Pitch -> IO ()
play p pat = writeIORef (pNotes p) =<< scheduleChords pat

-- | Schedule 'Media' to be played by a player.
-- The media is cycled at the smallest integer such that notes are still played
-- The IO action returns the next full measure of notes to be played.
-- The starting times begin an @0@ and are relative to the start of the measure.
scheduleChords :: Media Pitch -> IO (IO [(Time, Time, Pitch)])
scheduleChords media = do
let len = measures media
if len == 0
then return (return [])
else do
count <- newIORef 0
return $ do
c <- readIORef count
writeIORef count $! (c + 1) `mod` len
let t = fromIntegral c
let notes = [(t1 - t, maybe 1 (\t2 -> t2-t1) s2, a) |
((t1,s2),a) <- toIntervals media, t <= t1, t1 < t+1]
return notes

-- Count the number of measures in the given media.
measures :: Ord a => Media a -> Integer
measures media = case toIntervals media of
[] -> 0
xs -> forwardToInteger . maximum . map (start . fst) $ xs

forwardToInteger :: Time -> Integer
forwardToInteger x = q + 1
where (q,r) = numerator x `divMod` denominator x
-- | Set the piece for a 'Player' to play, beginning at the next full measure.
play :: Player -> Media Pitch -> IO ()
play p = writeIORef (pNotes p) . fromMediaCycle

Expand All @@ -117,32 +117,50 @@ newEnsemble :: Midi.PMStream -> IO Ensemble
newEnsemble out = do
players <- newIORef []
eBpm <- newIORef 120
id <- forkIO $
thread <- forkIO $
every (timePerMeasure 1 `fmap` readIORef eBpm) $ \millisecs -> do
bpm <- readIORef eBpm
playNotes millisecs bpm =<< getMeasure =<< readIORef players
playNotes millisecs bpm =<< nextMeasures =<< readIORef players
return ()
return $ Ensemble { eThreadId = id, ePlayers = players, eBpm = eBpm }
return $ Ensemble { eThreadId = thread, ePlayers = players, eBpm = eBpm }
timePerMeasure t bpm = round $ t * (4 / bpm) * 60 * 1000
playNotes t bpm =
playNotes t bpm = -- see Note [Midi.writeEvents]
Midi.writeEvents out . sortBy (comparing timestamp) . concatMap mkEvent
mkEvent (t1, t2, (pitch, channel)) =
[ PMEvent { message = noteOn , timestamp = fromIntegral $ t + timePerMeasure t1 bpm }
, PMEvent { message = noteOff, timestamp = fromIntegral $ t + timePerMeasure (t1+t2) bpm - 1 }
[ PMEvent { message = noteOn , timestamp = fromIntegral $ t + timePerMeasure t1 bpm }
, PMEvent { message = noteOff, timestamp = fromIntegral $ t + timePerMeasure t2 bpm - 1 }
noteOn = encodeMsg $ PMMsg { status = 0x90 + fromIntegral channel - 1, data1 = fromIntegral pitch, data2 = 80 }
noteOff = encodeMsg $ PMMsg { status = 0x80 + fromIntegral channel - 1, data1 = fromIntegral pitch, data2 = 0 }

-- | Get the measure that the player is currently playing.
getMeasure :: [Player] -> IO [(Time, Time, (Pitch, Channel))]
getMeasure = fmap concat . mapM measure
{- Note [Midi.writeEvent]
The `Midi.writeEvents` function expects the timestampes to be in increasing order.
That is why we need to sort our events by timestamp before sending them.
If we do not do that, MIDI messages whose timestamp is too early will be dropped.

Notes that have a duration that goes beyond the current measure currently
break everything.
The `Midi.writeEvents` functions expects messages to be written in
increasing time stamps. There is no way to "sneak" a midi message in before.
But this may happen when the measure changes.
In particular, it may happen that the "note off" event appears after a new "note on" event.s

-- | Get the measure that the players are currently playing.
nextMeasures :: [Player] -> IO [(Time, Time, (Pitch, Channel))]
nextMeasures = fmap concat . mapM measure
measure p = do
xs <- Control.Monad.join $ readIORef $ pNotes p
return [(t1, t2, (a, pChannel p)) | (t1,t2,a) <- xs]
xs <- getMeasure p
nextMeasure p
return [(t, maybe (t+3) id s, (a, pChannel p)) | ((t,s),a) <- xs]

-- | Set the tempo (in beats per minute)
setTempoBpm :: Ensemble -> Rational -> IO ()
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