Step 1> Download scripts via .zip, .exe release, or git clone.
Step 2> IMPORTANT Rename first folder to Walton-GPU-640 and walton.exe to walton0.exe, further described below.
Step 3> Configure $NUM_GPU and $NUM_CPU inside of wtc.au3 If you downloaded .exe just run it now, no edits required.
Step 4> Enter your pubkey information into $etherbase at the top of wtc.au3, OR use .json files, more on this below.
Step 5> Optionally compile as x86 (suggested), and run.
For the fastest execution Autoit can be compiled as an .exe, but if autoit is installed it can also be run as a script by double-clicking wtc.au3.
Feel free to download an .exe in the release section or compile/run it yourself.
It's easy to compile Autoit, simply right click the wtc.au3 script after installing autoit and select compile (x86), an .exe will be generated.
The .exe's autoit generates are stand alone and do not require autoit to be installed to use. - Direct Download Autoit 32/64
You have a directory structure of:
C:\Walton-GPU-640 Miner0
C:\Walton-GPU-641 Miner1
C:\Walton-GPU-642 Miner2
Walton.exe should also be renamed to walton0, walton1 as in the example below.
├── Walton-GPU-640
│ ├── genesis.json
│ ├── GPUMing_v0.2
│ │ ├── cudart32_80.dll
│ │ ├── cudart64_80.dll
│ │ ├── ming_run.exe This file points to GPU0
│ │ ├── ming_run.iobj
│ │ ├── ming_run.ipdb
│ │ └── ming_run.pdb
│ ├── log.txt Will be created for you
│ ├── node1 node1 directory will be created if not present
│ │ └── keystores
│ │ └── keystore.json OPTIONAL, you can choose to include the etherbase information at the top of the script
│ ├ This miner uses ports 30303 and 8545
│ └── walton0.exe
└── Walton-GPU-641
├── genesis.json
├── GPUMing_v0.2
│ ├── cudart32_80.dll
│ ├── cudart64_80.dll
│ ├── ming_run.exe If using CPU this file will not be run, if not using CPU this file should exist & point to GPU1.
│ ├── ming_run.iobj
│ ├── ming_run.ipdb
│ └── ming_run.pdb
├── log.txt
├── node1
│ └── keystores
│ └── Keystore.json
├ This miner uses ports 30304 and 8546
└── walton1.exe
Set $NUM_GPUS at the top of wtc.au3
It should correspond with the number of instances on GPU's you would like to run
$NUM_GPU Default Configuration: 1
IMPORTANT To use MultiGPU you had to have modified the .exe's with a hexeditor.
I can teach you how to disassemble the .exe's: @glyphx on telegram or [email protected].
Do not run other people's modified .exe's, you are implicitly giving them your trust.
If you want to use CPU, set $NUM_CPU's to 1 in the top of wtc.au3.
$NUM_CPU Default Configuration: 0 (Currently can only be 1 or 0)
If using CPU it will be run on the last miner file you include, that file doens't need ming_run.exe.
You can use CPU+GPU without modified .exe's.
$NUM_GPU = 3
$NUM_CPU = 1
Then, GPU0 is 640\Walton0.exe is on port 30303, and 8545. GPU1 is walton1.exe on ports 30304, 8546
GPU2 is walton2.exe on port 30305, 8547, and finally CPU0 is walton4.exe, ports 30306, and 8548.
The script assumes that you have setup your multiGPU setup with ascending ports, from walton0 = 30303, 8545. Walton1 = 30304,8546, etc.
Press and hold scroll lock untill you see the tool tip change to "Scroll Lock Behind Held Down, Shutting Down", the script will log each miner and exit all processes including itself. Another way to exit without logging or closing any of the miners is simply right clicking the .exe/script in the taskbar and selecting quit.
At the top of wtc.au3 is where all the user options are. Here is a code snippit of the relavent section.
'Global $etherbase = ' --etherbase "0xf3faf814cd115ebba078085a3331774b762cf5ee"'
;Directly above is where to set your public wallet address.
;If you have ANY FILE inside of C:\Walton-GPU-64x\node1\keystores\ this etherbase setting won't be used.
;Instead it would use the address of the .json keystore file.
Global Const $NUM_GPUS = 1 ;set the number of gpu's
Global Const $NUM_CPUS = 0 ;set the number of cpu's -- currently can only be 0 or 1
Global Const $LOOP_SIZE_IN_MIN = 120 ;change the time of the main loop here.
Global Const $KILL_PROCS = 1 ;if set to 1 will kill processes and start anew every loop, otherwise logs have duplication.
;Set $KILL_PROCS to 0 if you have a hard time getting peers as it will reset the miners every $LOOP_SIZE_IN_MIN
Global Const $SHOW_WINDOW = @SW_SHOW ;change $SHOW_WINDOW to @SW_HIDE to change to hidden windows, or @SW_MINIMIZE to start minimized.
Global Const $MINER_THREADS = ' --minerthreads=8' ;only affects CPU mining, the more your crush your cpu, more likely gpus get unstable.
0.6 Goals: Better user interface.