I forked your mom last night, but then I had to rebase --hard. - @fritzy
Your momma's so fat that the probability that she's in an arbitrary point in a room is 1. - @scottferg
Your mama's so fat that all her shell commands run in verbose mode. - @HenrikJoreteg
Your momma's so fat she returns an http 413 error: Request entity too large! - @boringgeek
Your momma's so fat if she was a recursive function she would cause a stack overflow. - @scottferg
Your momma's so fat that if you take a pic of her your camera stores it as a bitmap - @grelement, @fritzy
Yo momma sleeps around so much, your family tree is recursive - @JoshHighland
Merging your momma's branches always causes merge conflicts - @HenrikJoreteg
Your mama's so lame if she was a scripting language she'd be VBA - @grelement
Your mama's so fat if she was a file system she'd be exFAT - @grelement
Your mama's so fat that if she was a queryset she'd have to be paginated - @HenrikJoreteg
Your mama's corpulent - @HenrikJoreteg
Your mama's got more chins than http has headers - @grelement
Your mom has so many contributors her fork queue paginates - @rtyler
Your mom's so nasty all the files in her repos have DOS line-endings - @rtyler