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Insights: Henryvw/stoic_penknife
Dependency graph
205 Total
- activeadmin >= 0
- autoprefixer-rails >= 0
- aws-sdk-s3 >= 0
- bootstrap ~> 4.3.1
- bootstrap_form >= 4.2.0
- cancancan >= 0
- capybara >= 0
- cocoon 1.2.6
- coffee-rails ~> 4.2
- cssbundling-rails ~> 1.1
- database_cleaner >= 0
- devise >= 0
- factory_bot_rails >= 0
- geocoder >= 0
- haml >= 0
- inherited_resources >= 0
- jbuilder ~> 2.6.0
- jquery-rails >= 0
- launchy >= 0
- mini_magick >= 4.9.4