Better Discord Tokens Grabber Plugin
If you want to token grab with a little script to paste in your console(less infos but can be updated) => CLICK HERE
- 25/25 Stars(Ready) = FIX (actually not working anymore, they took more time that I thought but at least they finally patched it :))
- 45/45 Stars(Posted BUT you have to use it on your own I will not help with it.) = Post The Builder & Stub, Source Code in Injector Branch & Release in Releases (It will make the plugin work again and remove Better Discord Securities.)
- 57/75 (Ready to post) = Fix the plugin
- 57/90 (Need to make it) = Make the plugin work without injector just by placing it in plugins folder.
the 75 stars need to be there before the 1 st December, don't use bots I will ignore their stars :)
Fake Accounts :( fake accounts doesn't count.
If you have any idea check this issue and send your idea !
- Load Discord
- Enable the Plugin if you modify the state (enabled/disabled)
- Modify Plugin Code(when you save)
- IP
- IP Infos (Made using an old repository)
- User Tag (Username + Discriminator)
- User ID
- User Email
- User Token
- User Premium Status (A.K.A Nitro)
- Stored tokens(for the new Switch Account feature from Discord)
- Trusted Domains List
- Verified Games & Programs List
- 2FA/MFA Enabled status
- Actual User Phone
- Actual User Verified Status
- Fill up the config
- Windows + R
then hit Enter- Paste the plugin, activate it
- Reload Discord
- Enjoy !
- Streamer Mode Enabled => Discriminator hidden(should add an auto-disable stream mode)
- Class Names Change(should think about a scrapper or something similar)
- While user is in call it doesn't send anything(should wait the end of the call then send the result) (useless the user can "spam" like this)