To use this tool, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository (if you haven't already):
git clone
Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd tech-debt-satd/Bug-prediction/
Build the project using Maven
mvn clean install assembly:single
Run the Complexity Analyzer Tool:
Execute the following command from within the
directory to run the tool:java -Xmx10240m -jar target/complexityAnalyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -projectsInfo ../settings-selected-project.txt {source_methods_dir} -resultDir ../results/ -filterOutTestMethods true
with the directory that contains the source code methods for analysis.
: Path to the project settings file (../settings-selected-project.txt
). This file contains the list of projects to be analyzed. Righto now, there are and should be 49 projects{source_methods_dir}
: Directory containing source method files to analyze. Replace with your specific directory path. (Not incuded in this repo as the folder is really large)-resultDir
: Directory to store analysis results. In this case, results will be stored in../results/
.-filterOutTestMethods true
: Boolean flag to exclude test methods from the analysis.