- 79880 Lim Hong Yang
- 78000 Gerrard Keneth Sahol
- 78483 Peter Ligan Anak Mamat
- 79065 Chin Teck Yung
Ubuntu VM
Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
Update system
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
Install GCC
sudo apt install gcc
gcc ./taskA/supercommand.c -o ./taskA/supercommand
gcc ./taskB/supercommand.c -o ./taskB/supercommand
Menu System
Commandline Arguments (See user manual below)
./supercommand -m 1 1 hi.txt #create a file
[FILE] operation:
1 Create or open a file
./supercommand -m 1 1 ./test/test.txt
2 Change file permissions
./supercommand -m 1 2 ./test/test.txt
3 Read from a file
./supercommand -m 1 3 ./test/test.txt
4 Write to a file
./supercommand -m 1 4 ./test/test.txt
5 Delete a file
./supercommand -m 1 5 ./test/test.txt
[DIRECTORY] operation:
1 Create a directory
./supercommand -m 2 1 ./test2
2 Remove a directory
./supercommand -m 2 1 ./test2
3 Print the current working directory
./supercommand -m 2 1
4 List the contents of a directory
./supercommand -m 2 1 .
[KEYLOGGER] operation:
sudo ./supercommand -m 3 keylog.txt
supercommand - A tool for file operations, directory management, and keylogging
supercommand [-m mode] [operation_code] [file_or_directory]
supercommand [-h|--help]
supercommand is a command-line utility that allows users to perform various system tasks such as
file operations, directory management, and keylogging. It is designed to be simple to use and flexible
with a range of modes to interact with the system. Some operations require root privileges.
-m mode
Specifies the operation mode. The available modes are:
1 File operations
2 Directory operations
3 Keylogger
-h, --help
Displays the help manual with information about the usage, available options, modes, and examples.
The operation to be performed, dependent on the selected mode. See below for available codes.
The file or directory involved in the operation (e.g., filename for file operations, directory name for
directory operations).
-m 1 <operation_code> <filename>
The following operations are available in file operation mode:
1 Create or open a file
2 Change file permissions
3 Read from a file
4 Write to a file
5 Delete a file
Example usage:
Create/Open a file:
supercommand -m 1 1 testfile.txt
Change file permissions:
supercommand -m 1 2 testfile.txt
Read from a file:
supercommand -m 1 3 testfile.txt
Write to a file:
supercommand -m 1 4 testfile.txt
Delete a file:
supercommand -m 1 5 testfile.txt
-m 2 <operation_code> <directory_name>
The following operations are available in directory operation mode:
1 Create a directory
2 Remove a directory
3 Print the current working directory
4 List the contents of a directory
Example usage:
Create a new directory:
supercommand -m 2 1 testdir
Remove a directory:
supercommand -m 2 2 testdir
Print the current directory:
supercommand -m 2 3 .
List contents of a directory:
supercommand -m 2 4 .
-m 3 <log_filename>
This mode enables keystroke logging and saves the recorded keystrokes into the specified log file.
Example usage:
Start keylogging and save to a log file:
sudo supercommand -m 3 keylog.txt
To exit the program, use the following command:
Alternatively, terminate the program with `Ctrl+C`.
1. Create a file named "testfile.txt":
supercommand -m 1 1 testfile.txt
2. Change file permissions for "testfile.txt":
supercommand -m 1 2 testfile.txt
3. List contents of the current directory:
supercommand -m 2 4 .
4. Start logging keystrokes to "keylog.txt":
supercommand -m 3 keylog.txt
Permission denied
This error occurs when attempting to perform an operation that requires root privileges. Use `sudo` to
execute with root access:
sudo supercommand -m <mode> <operation_code> <file_or_directory>
Operation not permitted
This error may occur if the file or directory does not exist or is inaccessible. Ensure that the file
or directory is valid and that you have permission to perform the requested operation.