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Additional GAGS configuration json verification (tgstation#59524)
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This standardizes how values are read from the json for greyscale layers so that error handling can check for some additional things:
No extra keys in the json that are unknown
No missing keys that a layer needs to work
Values are the expected type for that key

A variety of error messages have been added for various ways the json can be malformed and should hopefully provide good feedback for anyone working with greyscale configurations.
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ninjanomnom authored Jun 13, 2021
1 parent 72a52f4 commit 8eed0b2
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Showing 4 changed files with 117 additions and 28 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion code/datums/greyscale/
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Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
var/layer_type = SSgreyscale.layer_types[data["type"]]
CRASH("An unknown layer type was specified in the json of greyscale configuration [DebugName()]: [data["layer_type"]]")
return new layer_type(icon_file, data)
return new layer_type(icon_file, data.Copy()) // We don't want anything in there touching our version of the data
var/list/output = list()
for(var/list/group as anything in data)
output += ReadLayerGroup(group)
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54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions code/datums/greyscale/
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
/// Takes a json list and extracts a single value.
/// Subtypes represent different conversions of that value.

/// Takes a value read directly from json and verifies/converts as needed to a result

CRASH("Text value expected but got '[value]'")
return value

var/newvalue = text2num(value)
CRASH("Number expected but got [newvalue]")
return newvalue

CRASH("Expected a list but got [value]")
var/list/new_values = list()
for(var/number_string in value)
var/new_value = text2num(number_string)
if(!istext(number_string) || number_string[1] != "#")
stack_trace("Expected list to only contain numbers or colors but got '[number_string]'")
new_value = number_string
new_values += new_value
return new_values

var/static/list/blend_modes = list(
"add" = ICON_ADD,
"subtract" = ICON_SUBTRACT,
"multiply" = ICON_MULTIPLY,
"or" = ICON_OR,
"overlay" = ICON_OVERLAY,
"underlay" = ICON_UNDERLAY,

var/new_value = blend_modes[lowertext(value)]
CRASH("Blend mode expected but got '[value]'")
return new_value

var/newvalue = SSgreyscale.configurations[value]
CRASH("Greyscale configuration type expected but got '[value]'")
return newvalue
88 changes: 61 additions & 27 deletions code/datums/greyscale/
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Expand Up @@ -3,26 +3,58 @@

var/static/list/blend_modes = list(
"add" = ICON_ADD,
"subtract" = ICON_SUBTRACT,
"multiply" = ICON_MULTIPLY,
"or" = ICON_OR,
"overlay" = ICON_OVERLAY,
"underlay" = ICON_UNDERLAY,

/datum/greyscale_layer/New(icon_file, list/json_data)
color_ids = json_data["color_ids"]
for(var/i in color_ids)
json_readers = list()
for(var/path in subtypesof(/datum/json_reader))
json_readers[path] = new path

json_data -= "type" // This is used to look us up and doesn't need to be verified like the rest of the data


/// Override this to do initial set up

/// Handles the processing of the json data and conversion to correct value types.
/// Will error on incorrect, missing, or unexpected values.
var/list/required_values = list()
var/list/optional_values = list()
GetExpectedValues(required_values, optional_values)
for(var/keyname in json_data)
if(required_values[keyname] && optional_values[keyname])
stack_trace("Key '[keyname]' found in both required and optional lists. Make sure keys are only in one or the other.")
if(!required_values[keyname] && !optional_values[keyname])
stack_trace("Unknown key found in json for [src]: '[keyname]'")
if(istext(i) && i[1] == "#")
if(!(keyname in vars))
stack_trace("[src] expects a value from '[keyname]' but has no var to hold the output.")
CRASH("Color ids must be a color string or positive integer starting from 1, '[i]' is not valid.")
blend_mode = blend_modes[lowertext(json_data["blend_mode"])]
CRASH("Greyscale config for [icon_file] is missing a blend mode on a layer.")
var/datum/json_reader/reader = required_values[keyname] || optional_values[keyname]
reader = json_readers[reader]
stack_trace("[src] has an invalid json reader type '[required_values[keyname]]' for key '[keyname]'.")
vars[keyname] = reader.ReadJson(json_data[keyname])

// Final check to make sure we got everything we needed
for(var/keyname in required_values)
stack_trace("[src] is missing required json data key '[keyname]'.")

/// Gathers information from the layer about what variables are expected in the json.
/// Override and add to the two argument lists if you want extra information in your layer.
/// The lists are formatted like keyname:keytype_define.
/// The key name is assigned to the var named the same on the layer type.
/datum/greyscale_layer/proc/GetExpectedValues(list/required_values, list/optional_values)
optional_values[NAMEOF(src, color_ids)] = /datum/json_reader/number_color_list
required_values[NAMEOF(src, blend_mode)] = /datum/json_reader/blend_mode

/// Used to actualy create the layer using the given colors
/// Do not override, use InternalGenerate instead
Expand All @@ -45,20 +77,24 @@
/// The most basic greyscale layer; a layer which is created from a single icon_state in the given icon file
layer_type = "icon_state"

/datum/greyscale_layer/icon_state/New(icon_file, list/json_data)
. = ..()
var/icon_state = json_data["icon_state"]
var/list/icon_states = icon_states(icon_file)
if(!(icon_state in icon_states))
CRASH("Configured icon state \[[icon_state]\] was not found in [icon_file]. Double check your json configuration.")
icon = new(icon_file, json_data["icon_state"])
icon = new(icon_file, icon_state)

if(length(color_ids) > 1)
CRASH("Icon state layers can not have more than one color id")

/datum/greyscale_layer/icon_state/GetExpectedValues(list/required_values, list/optional_values)
. = ..()
required_values[NAMEOF(src, icon_state)] = /datum/json_reader/text

/datum/greyscale_layer/icon_state/InternalGenerate(list/colors, list/render_steps)
. = ..()
var/icon/new_icon = icon(icon)
Expand All @@ -70,17 +106,15 @@
layer_type = "reference"

/datum/greyscale_layer/reference/New(icon_file, list/json_data)
/datum/greyscale_layer/reference/GetExpectedValues(list/required_values, list/optional_values)
. = ..()
icon_state = json_data["icon_state"] || ""
reference_config = SSgreyscale.configurations[json_data["reference_type"]]
CRASH("An unknown greyscale configuration was given to a reference layer: [json_data["reference_type"]]")
optional_values[NAMEOF(src, icon_state)] = /datum/json_reader/text
required_values[NAMEOF(src, reference_type)] = /datum/json_reader/greyscale_config

/datum/greyscale_layer/reference/InternalGenerate(list/colors, list/render_steps)
return reference_config.GenerateBundle(colors, render_steps)
return reference_type.GenerateBundle(colors, render_steps)
return reference_config.Generate(colors.Join())
return reference_type.Generate(colors.Join())
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tgstation.dme
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Expand Up @@ -735,6 +735,7 @@
#include "code\datums\elements\food\"
#include "code\datums\elements\food\"
#include "code\datums\greyscale\"
#include "code\datums\greyscale\"
#include "code\datums\greyscale\"
#include "code\datums\greyscale\config_types\"
#include "code\datums\greyscale\config_types\"
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