Stereo DSO
Stereo DSO is a real-time stereo SLAM system based on DSO. It is developed by members of Autonomous Driving Group at Horizon Robotics, Inc. It runs on laptops with CPU and provides localization and mapping services for self-driving cars. A demonstration is provides to showcase its capability.
Authors: Jiatian WU, Degang YANG, Qinrui YAN, Shixin LI
- Direct Sparse Odometry, J. Engel, V. Koltun, D. Cremers, In arXiv:1607.02565, 2016
- Large-scale direct SLAM with stereo cameras, J. Engel, J. Stückler, D. Cremers, IROS, 2015
Please follow
See for how to run on a dataset. Run on a dataset from using:
bin/dso_dataset \
files=XXXXX/sequence_XX \
calib=XXXXX/sequence_XX/para/camera.txt \
gamma=XXXXX/sequence_XX/para/pcalib.txt \
vignette=XXXXX/sequence_XX/para/vignette.png \
preset=0 \
Under sequence_XX, there should be two image datasets called image_0 and image_1, which are left and right image sets. Note that mode is set to 1 because we do not have photometric calibration. Besides, gamma and vignette are not required to run the code. That is, a minimal exampel to run on a kitti dataset is:
bin/dso_dataset \
files=XXXXX/sequence_XX \
calib=XXXXX/sequence_XX/para/camera.txt \
preset=0 \
All the dataset format is same as DSO except the calib file. The format of geometric calibration file is slightly different because of the involved stereo baseline.
Pinhole fx fy cx cy 0
in_width in_height
"crop" / "full" / "none" / "fx fy cx cy 0"
out_width out_height
FOV fx fy cx cy omega
in_width in_height
"crop" / "full" / "fx fy cx cy 0"
out_width out_height
RadTan fx fy cx cy k1 k2 r1 r2
in_width in_height
"crop" / "full" / "fx fy cx cy 0"
out_width out_height
EquiDistant fx fy cx cy k1 k2 r1 r2
in_width in_height
"crop" / "full" / "fx fy cx cy 0"
out_width out_height
note: baseline
is in meters.
Two modes MODE_SLAM
can be set in main_dso_pangolin.cpp
is true, it will do stereo matching and output the idepth map given a pair of stereo images.
This work is mostly inspired by Large-scale direct SLAM with stereo cameras. Temporal and static stereo are combine in a direct, real-time capable SLAM method.
Key frame and nonkey frame are processed differently in depth map estimation. When a new Keyframe is initialized, we perform static stereo to update and prune the propagated depth map. The nonkey frame is used to refine the depth map of key frame.
See ImmaturePoint::traceStereo
for Static Stereo Depth Estimation.
See CoarseTracker::makeCoarseDepthL0
and FullSystem::traceNewCoarseNonKey
for depth propogation.
See CoarseInitialzer::setFirstStereo
and FullSystem::InitializeFromInitialzier
for stereo initialization.
We tested stereo DSO on kitti datasets and datasets we collect including highway, park and garage. It performs better than DSO in degrees of scale, accuracy, robustness and speed. Below is the trajectory that DSO runs on Kitti 05. We can see that the scale of DSO is much smaller than groud truth.
Stereo DSO can achieve much better accuracy and faster speed:
It is evaluated that stereo DSO achieves about 1.1% ~ 4.2% translation error, 0.001deg/m ~ 0.0053deg/m rotation error, with running time of 53ms per frame.
We also tested stereo DSO on Kitti 00. It achieves about 1.3% ~ 3.7% translation error, 0.002 deg/m ~ 0.007deg/m rotation error, with running time of 56ms per frame.
In conlcusion, stereo DSO have several advantages comparing with DSO:
- No need to initialize. Stereo DSO initializes immediately.
- Much better scale and accuracy. DSO performs bad on kitti dataset, especially in scale measurements. Stereo DSO reduced the translation and rotation error largely.
- Real-time speed. Stereo DSO runs at typically 20 frames per sec.
- Robustness. Stereo DSO seldomly gets lost, but DSO usually fails to initialize if the movement during initialization is not large enough.
Stereo DSO is developed at Horizon Robotics, Inc. Our work is based on DSO. We are still working for improving the performance. Welcome to contribute to Stereo DSO or ask any issues via Github or contacting [email protected].