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MatlabApi/CocoEval.m: internal refactoring, tweaked evalImgs output (…
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pdollar committed Jul 27, 2015
1 parent fd9795c commit cb72abf
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 38 deletions.
72 changes: 34 additions & 38 deletions MatlabAPI/CocoEval.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,20 +26,17 @@
% Note: by default areaRng=[0 1e5; 0 32; 32 96; 96 1e5].^2. These A=4
% settings correspond to all, small, medium, and large objects, resp.
% evaluate(): evaluates detections on every image and every category and
% concats the results into the struct array "evalImgs" with fields:
% imgId - results for the img with the given id
% catId - results for the cat with the given id
% areaRng - results for objects in the given areaRng
% maxDets - results given the specified max number of detections
% evaluate(): evaluates detections on every image and setting and concats
% the results into the KxA struct array "evalImgs" with fields:
% dtIds - [1xD] id for each of the D detections (dt)
% gtIds - [1xG] id for each of the G ground truths (gt)
% dtImgIds - [1xD] image id for each dt
% gtImgIds - [1xG] image id for each gt
% dtMatches - [TxD] matching gt id at each IoU or 0
% gtMatches - [TxG] matching dt id at each IoU or 0
% dtScores - [1xD] confidence of each dt
% gtIgnore - [1xG] ignore flag for each gt
% dtIgnore - [TxD] ignore flag for each dt at each IoU
% ious - [DxG] iou between every dt and gt
% gtIgnore - [1xG] ignore flag for each gt
% accumulate(): accumulates the per-image, per-category evaluation
% results in "evalImgs" into the struct "eval" with fields:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,12 +82,11 @@ function evaluate( ev )
% Run per image evaluation on given images.
fprintf('Running per image evaluation... '); clk=clock;
p=ev.params; if(~p.useCats), p.catIds=1; end
p.imgIds=unique(p.imgIds); p.catIds=unique(p.catIds);
ev.params=p; N=length(p.imgIds); K=length(p.catIds);
A=size(p.areaRng,1); M=length(p.maxDets);
p.imgIds=unique(p.imgIds); p.catIds=unique(p.catIds); ev.params=p;
N=length(p.imgIds); K=length(p.catIds); A=size(p.areaRng,1);
[ks,is]=ndgrid(1:K,1:N); ev.evalImgs=cell(K*N,A,M);
[ks,is]=ndgrid(1:K,1:N); ev.evalImgs=cell(N,K,A);
for i=1:K*N, if(nGt(i)==0 && nDt(i)==0), continue; end;;
Expand All @@ -106,18 +102,17 @@ function evaluate( ev )
if(~isfield(dt,f)), s=MaskApi.toBbox([dt.segmentation]);
for d=1:nDt(i), dt(d).(f)=s(d,:); end; end
q=p; q.catIds=p.catIds(ks(i)); q.imgIds=p.imgIds(is(i));
q=p; q.imgIds=p.imgIds(is(i)); q.maxDets=max(p.maxDets);
for j=1:A, q.areaRng=p.areaRng(j,:);
q.maxDets=max(p.maxDets); E0=CocoEval.evaluateImg(gt,dt,q);
for k=1:M, E=E0; m=p.maxDets(k); E.maxDets=m; m=min(nDt(i),m);
E.dtIds=E.dtIds(1:m); E.dtMatches=E.dtMatches(:,1:m);
E.dtScores=E.dtScores(1:m); E.dtIgnore=E.dtIgnore(:,1:m);
E.ious=E.ious(1:m,:); ev.evalImgs{i,j,k}=E;
ev.evalImgs{is(i),ks(i),j}=CocoEval.evaluateImg(gt,dt,q); end
E=ev.evalImgs; nms={'dtIds','gtIds','dtImgIds','gtImgIds',...
for i=1:K, is=find(nGt(i,:)>0|nDt(i,:)>0);
if(~isempty(is)), for j=1:A, E0=[E{is,i,j}]; for k=1:9
ev.evalImgs(i,j).(nms{k})=[E0{k:9:end}]; end; end; end
fprintf('DONE (t=%0.2fs).\n',etime(clock,clk));

function [ns,is] = getAnnCounts( coco, imgIds, catIds, useCats )
Expand All @@ -138,23 +133,26 @@ function accumulate( ev )
if(isempty(ev.evalImgs)), error('Please run evaluate() first'); end
p=ev.params; T=length(p.iouThrs); R=length(p.recThrs);
K=length(p.catIds); A=size(p.areaRng,1); M=length(p.maxDets);
precision=-ones(T,R,K,A,M); recall=-ones(T,K,A,M); Es=ev.evalImgs;
[~,m]=ismember([Es.maxDets]',p.maxDets); ks=(m-1)*K*A+(a-1)*K+k;
precision=-ones(T,R,K,A,M); recall=-ones(T,K,A,M);
for k=1:K*A*M
E=Es(ks==k); dtm=[E.dtMatches]; dtIg=[E.dtIgnore];
np=nnz(~[E.gtIgnore]); if(np==0), continue; end
E=ev.evalImgs(ks(k),as(k)); is=E.dtImgIds; mx=p.maxDets(ms(k));
np=nnz(~E.gtIgnore); if(np==0), continue; end
t=[0 find(diff(is)) length(is)]; t=t(2:end)-t(1:end-1); is=is<0;
r=0; for i=1:length(t), is(r+1:r+min(mx,t(i)))=1; r=r+t(i); end
dtm=E.dtMatches(:,is); dtIg=E.dtIgnore(:,is);
tps=reshape( dtm & ~dtIg,T,[]); tps=tps(:,o);
fps=reshape(~dtm & ~dtIg,T,[]); fps=fps(:,o);
precision(:,:,k)=0; recall(:,k)=0;
for t=1:T
tp=cumsum(tps(t,:)); fp=cumsum(fps(t,:)); nd=length(tp);
rc=tp/np; pr=tp./(fp+tp); q=zeros(1,R);
if(nd), recall(t,k)=rc(end); else recall(t,k)=0; end
for i=nd-1:-1:1, pr(i)=max(pr(i+1),pr(i)); end
i=1; r=1; while(r<=R && i<=nd), if(rc(i)<p.recThrs(r))
i=i+1; else q(r)=pr(i); r=r+1; end; end; precision(t,:,k)=q;
rc=tp/np; pr=tp./(fp+tp); q=zeros(1,R); thrs=p.recThrs;
if(nd==0 || tp(nd)==0), continue; end; recall(t,k)=rc(end);
for i=nd-1:-1:1, pr(i)=max(pr(i+1),pr(i)); end; i=1; r=1; s=100;
while(r<=R && i<=nd), if(rc(i)>=thrs(r)), q(r)=pr(i); r=r+1; else
i=i+1; if(i+s<=nd && rc(i+s)<thrs(r)), i=i+s; end; end; end
ev.eval=struct('params',p,'date',date,'counts',[T R K A M],...
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,10 +228,8 @@ function summarize( ev )
if(isempty(dt)), a=zeros(1,0); else a=[dt.area]; end
dtIg = dtIg | (dtm==0 & repmat(a<aRng(1)|a>aRng(2),T,1));
% store results for given image and category
e = struct('imgId',p.imgIds,'catId',p.catIds,'areaRng',p.areaRng,...
dtImgIds=ones(1,D)*p.imgIds; gtImgIds=ones(1,G)*p.imgIds;
e = {dtIds,gtIds,dtImgIds,gtImgIds,dtm,gtm,[dt.score],dtIg,gtIg};

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