Telegram bot for
Based on go-tgbot library
MongoDB 2.4.9 and higher
The procedure description step by step:
- Run the MongoDB container and configure it, create user for the bot
$ docker run -h <mongodb-server-name> --name=<mongodb-server-name> --restart=always --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=5 -v /mongo_data:/data/db -d mongo
$ docker exec -it <mongodb-server-name> mongo <database_name>
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.6
connecting to: portal_cinema
Server has startup warnings:
2016-05-23T14:21:29.936+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2016-05-23T14:21:29.936+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'.
2016-05-23T14:21:29.936+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** We suggest setting it to 'never'
2016-05-23T14:21:29.936+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2016-05-23T14:21:29.936+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag is 'always'.
2016-05-23T14:21:29.936+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** We suggest setting it to 'never'
2016-05-23T14:21:29.936+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
> db.createUser({ user: '<user_name>', pwd: '<user_password>', roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "<database_name>" } ] });
Successfully added user: {
"user" : "<user_name>",
"roles" : [
"role" : "readWrite",
"db" : "<database_name>"
> exit
- Prepare the configuration file. Copy it from the example and make some changes in it among them the address of mongodb server for example how it was set above ()
$ cd < project_folder >
$ cp cp conf.json.example conf.json
- Build the the dockerfile that is placed in the project folder
$ docker build -t <image_name> ./
- Run the bot
docker run -d -h <container_name> --name=<container_name> --link="<mongodb-server-name>" --restart=always --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=5 <image_name>
PS: You have to substitute text like as <container_name> to the some string for example portal_cinema.
To update bot it is required to:
- Replay step #3
- Stop the container <container_name>
docker stop <container_name>
- Remove it
docker rm <container_name>
- Create it again (step #4)