Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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Package gorilla/rpc is a golang foundation for RPC over HTTP services.
Golang gRPC Middlewares: interceptor chaining, auth, logging, retries and more.
The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC
handling 1M websockets connections in Go
OCS 网课助手,刷课脚本,网课脚本,帮助大学生解决网课难题,支持【超星学习通】【知道智慧树】【职教云】【智慧职教】【中国大学MOOC】等网课 , 可以在 脚本猫 以及 油猴 等开源脚本管理器下运行。
A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
Termux - a terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible by variety of packages.
🔥华中科技大学电信专业 课程资料 作业 代码 实验报告 HUSTEIC 课程分享计划
ruby-china / How-To-Ask-Questions-The-Smart-Way
Forked from FredWe/How-To-Ask-Questions-The-Smart-Way本文原文由知名Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。
Package gorilla/websocket is a fast, well-tested and widely used WebSocket implementation for Go.
📖《网络代理与VPN应用详解》 详细阐述代理、隧道、VPN运作过程,并对GFW策略如:地址端口封锁、服务器缓存投毒、数字验证攻击、SSL连接阻断做相关的原理说明
🔥 🎉newbee-mall是一套电商系统,包括基础版本(Spring Boot+Thymeleaf)、前后端分离版本(Spring Boot+Vue 3+Element-Plus+Vue-Router 4+Pinia+Vant 4) 、秒杀版本、Go语言版本、微服务版本(Spring Cloud Alibaba+Nacos+Sentinel+Seata+Spring Cloud Gatew…
ZincSearch . A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go.
Cross-platform filesystem notifications for Go.
基于 kitex RPC微服务 + Hertz HTTP服务完成的第三届字节跳动青训营-极简抖音后端项目