- Awake - 醒來。每個程式的第一行都必須寫上。不然就會拋出錯誤。
- Sleep - 睡覺。讀到這行程式就會直接結束。若是整個原始碼都沒包含這一行的話會顯示提醒,但不會拋出錯誤。
- Say X - 在螢幕上顯示X。若是含空格必須使用英文雙引號
刮起來。其中的Escape sequence包含\n
。 - Put V into school bag - 把X放進書包。宣告一個變數名為V,必須皆為ASCII字元。預設值為其所有字元所代表的數字相加。除了下述表格,其餘可顯示字元值皆為1,不可顯示字元值皆為0,並且英文大小寫值相同。儲存格式為float。
字元 | 值 | 字元 | 值 | 字元 | 值 |
0 | 1 | a | 8 | n | 6 |
1 | 1 | b | 1 | o | 7 |
2 | 1 | c | 2 | p | 1 |
3 | 1 | d | 4 | q | 1 |
4 | 1 | e | 12 | r | 5 |
5 | 1 | f | 2 | s | 6 |
6 | 1 | g | 2 | t | 9 |
7 | 1 | h | 6 | u | 2 |
8 | 1 | i | 6 | v | 1 |
9 | 1 | j | 1 | w | 2 |
k | 1 | x | 1 | ||
l | 4 | y | 2 | ||
m | 2 | z | 1 |
- Take out V from school bag - 將V從書包裡拿出,做為之後程式的準備。只有已拿出的變數才能操作。
- Speak V - 在螢幕上顯示變數V的儲存值。
- Show V - 同上。
- Clearly speak V - 在螢幕上顯示變數V的儲存值的int值。
- Simply speak V - 同上。
- Clearly show V - 同上。
- Simply show V - 同上。
- Call V - 在螢幕上顯示變數V的儲存值所對應的unicode字元。
- Have V - 等待使用者輸入值,並且儲存進變數名稱為V。預設為已準備好。輸入值格式若不是float時,則將每個字元的Unicode值相加儲存。
- Take V - 同上。
- Go to P - 前往地點P。P可為任意字串。但程式結束執行時,地點必須為
,大小寫不敏感。 - Go P - 同上。
- Dump V - 丟棄V。將已拿出書包的變數V刪掉。
- Eat V - 吃掉V。功能同上。
- Drink V - 喝掉V。功能同上。
- Replace V1 with V2 - 用V2取代V1。相當於
V1 = V2
。 - Throw away V1 and replace with V2 - 同上。
- Add V1 to V2 - 把A加進B裡。相當於
V2 = V2 + V1
。 - Add A and B together into C - 把A和B加在一起變成C。創建C變數,其值為A的儲存值+B的儲存值。若是C已存在則拋出錯誤。
- Mix A and B together into C - 把A和B攪拌加在一起變成C。功能同上。
- Put A and B together into C - 把A和B放加在一起變成C。功能同上。
- Take V1 out of V2 - 從V2拿出V1。將V2的儲存值減去V1,相當於
V2 = V2 - V1
。 - Drop V1 out of V2 - 從V2弄掉V1。功能同上。
- Drop V1 from V2 - 從V2弄掉V1。功能同上。
- Give out V1 from V2 - 從V2拿出V1給別人。功能同上。
- Slice V1 into N1 C and take N2 - 將V1切N1塊並取走其中N2塊。N1和N2為固定數字也可為變數,C為任意量詞,另外N2不得大於N1。
- Cut V1 into N1 C and take N2 - 同上。
- Split V1 into N1 C and take N2 - 同上。
- Keep V - 當V不等於0時,重複Keep下述部分,直到V=0時結束執行。Keep下述每行都必須空Keep之後一個Tab,包含空白行。
- Fuck - 當程式讀到某行含fuck字樣的時候,直接拋出錯誤。原因很簡單,因為你不能X蘿莉。
Say "Hello world!\n"
Say "Hello world!\n" to the world
Put books into school bag
Put lunch into school bag
Go to school
In class
Take out books from school bag
Take out lunch from school bag
Eat lunch
Put books into school bag
Go Home
Take lollipop
Take strawberry
Put chocolate into school bag
Go to school
Take out chocolate from school bag
Replace chocolate with strawberry
Keep lollipop
Add chocolate to strawberry
Drop 1 from lollipop
Drop chocolate out of strawberry
Show strawberry
Go home
Take paper
Take pigment
Take fragment
Put uwu water into school bag
Take out uwu water from school bag
Put folder into school bag
Take out folder from school bag
Drop folder from folder
Drop uwu water from folder
Replace uwu water with folder
Drop uwu water from folder
Add uwu water to pigment
Keep pigment
Drop 1 from pigment
Keep pigment
Drop bb from pigment
Keep pigment
Cut paper into fragment shape and take 1
Show paper
Drop fragment from paper
Show paper
Add paper to fragment
Show fragment
Keep fragment
Add paper to folder
Drop 1 from fragment
Show folder
Put b into school bag
Take out b from school bag
Take input
Slice input into 2 parts and take 1
Add b and input together into whatever
Keep input
Clearly show input
Replace input with whatever
Clearly show input
Take purse
Put $ into school bag
Take out $ from school bag
Put % into school bag
Take out % from school bag
Put Mif into school bag
Take out Mif from school bag
Drop $ out of purse
Drop % out of purse
Clearly show $
Call Mif
Clearly show %
Call Mif
Keep purse
Add $ and % together into delicious thing
Replace $ with %
Replace % with delicious thing
Clearly show delicious thing
Eat delicious thing
Call Mif
Drop 1 from purse
Take book
Put zero into school bag
Take out zero from school bag
Drop zero from zero
Put chocolate into school bag
Take out chocolate from school bag
Replace chocolate with book
Drop chocolate from zero
Replace chocolate with zero
Add zero and book together into another book
Replace zero with another book
Dump another book
Put b into school bag
Take out b from school bag
Put cake into school bag
Take out cake from school bag
Replace cake with b
Keep chocolate
Add chocolate and book together into chocolate book
Put strawberry book into school bag
Take out strawberry book from school bag
Replace strawberry book with chocolate book
Keep chocolate book
Slice cake into b parts and take -1
Drop b from chocolate book
Add cake and b together into blueberry cake
Replace cake with blueberry cake
Eat blueberry cake
Keep cake
Clearly show strawberry book
Say " is even!"
Drop b from cake
Drop b from cake
Replace cake with b
Add chocolate and b together into blueberry chocolate
Replace chocolate with blueberry chocolate
Eat blueberry chocolate
Eat chocolate book
Eat strawberry book
Put ou programming language into school bag
Take out ou programming language from school bag
Put 1 into school bag
Take out 1 from school bag
Put ca into school bag
Take out ca from school bag
Put whatever into school bag
Take out whatever from school bag
Keep ou programming language
Clearly show ou programming language
Say " bottles of beer on the wall, "
Clearly show ou programming language
Say " bottles of beer."
Call ca
Say "Take one down, pass it around, "
Drop 1 from ou programming language
Clearly show ou programming language
Say " bottles of beer on the wall."
Call ca
Call ca
Be fucked